puberty edition
puberty edition
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i got that cassete, super dope tech thrash m8
i miss trashy scenecore and mallemo/mallgoth
it's not fun to tear da club up anymore
Official bump limit for /metal/ threads is 400 now, we do not make new threads until 400 is hit
I didn't expect that cover to turn out this shitty, what the fuck that is the file in the album folder?
the boring one
TRITSIO >> With Fear > Gardens of Grief
Gardens > Tritsio = With fear
if i'm looking to get into a band or genre, is it ok to just go to RYM, sort by the best rated, and listen to the discog from best to worst?
Riffs, they're fucking dank you know?
TRITSIO>Gardens>At War With Reality>Terminal>With Fear>Slaughter
rym is fucking garbage especially for metal
Nope, you've gotta listen in chronological order, including demos, EPs and lives
lmao, the community is garbage senpai
RYM is Rate Your Music? If that is anything like, no.
Now this is what I call prime mental retardation
All up on that scenecore shit plus hanging with the anime crowd.
But u on it.
There is nothing wrong with At War With Reality, I listened to it about 20 times and don't remember a single song name.
duartemartinho is fucking dead, senpai, check it
>All up on that scenecore shit plus hanging with the anime crowd.
OOOH, that's painful
At war with reality is like that kid that sucks dicks and has autism
So at a concert recently I saw someone wear a shirt with a "NSDM - NO SMILING DOOM METAL" on the back, and I am curious to know what band that was from, because when I googled it and with slight alterations too I found nothing.
You guys know something? I don't know for sure if it said NO SMILING DOOM METAL or DON'T SMILE DOOM METAL
how the fuck do you rusfolder?
Besides At The Gates, what are some other bands that went to complete shit after losing a member?
is this a metal album?
Sounds like some shitty Chinese bootleg shirt
Metallica after mustaine left (he wasn't kicked out for sure, james is a cuck jew and he fabricated a story that didn't make him out to be the literal pussy that he is)
It was as bad as it sounds, it made my Power Metal and Dream Theater worship years look chill in comparison.
How about bands that went to complete shit after gaining a new member fuck you Michael Amott you killed Carcass and ruined death metal
but power metal be dank though unless you were listening to sonata arctica or nightwish
>Metallica went to complete shit after Mustaine left
What? They didn't release a single full length when he got kicked.
Also I am adding Mayhem to the list of obvious choices, though mainly Euronymous and not Dead.
yeah, but mustaine did make a few good albums.
did you at least fuck a trashy scene girl or a fugly weeb
>What? They didn't release a single full length when he got kicked.
A cuck jew? Does he watch other jews bang each other or does he try to outjew cucks?
They're great now but their mid-era was some of the most boring death metal ever released
I agree desu. Mustaine is the reason Metallica was ever relevant. He was way ahead of his peers.
I made it too easy for you, but I mentioned Metallica earlier because of Cliff Burton, he wasn't so much a driving force behind the band and they probably would have went commercial even sooner if he hadn't died, but I still enjoy Master of Puppets and find everything afterwards to be absolutely unacceptable. It's mainly coincidence though, I don't think the quality of Metallica's output was in any way related to Cliff
>remember that I edited the Wikipedia page on Turbo a while ago and added some additional background details about the development of the album
>this included mentioning Rob Halford's gay boyfriend committing suicide in front of him and his stint in drug rehab
>go back to the page yesterday
>notice someone changed it to just say Halford's "romantic partner"
Come on guys, are you that afraid to admit...
The black album is the best buttmetal album ever made though
lars is just terrible i wish he would have died
>relabel all songs on the album as Blind Guardian songs
>tell friend it's an old demo
>he believes me
>accidentally read the Youtube comments section for a stoner metal video
Dear god
>when the only good moment on your album is a guest solo by a guitarist from a different band
how did he kill himself?
And Justice for All is really boring though.
I don't think there is a genre that is being more insulted by Youtube comments than classical, really.
>This is great studying music!
>Wow this goes so well with a book!
>This is what I listen to when I do my homework!
i like that album cover
>>This is what I listen to when I do my homework!
I see this on tech death a lot
Is something amiss?
you forgot where those fucking teenager act superior for not liking pop and liking art music when they literally just use it for background music
Oh it is, i got into that because the music was uplifting and fun, i was going through some personal problems but i did enjoy Sonata Arctica at some point.
>did you at least fuck a trashy scene girl
not being into girls was one of the problems i mentioned earlier.
>or a fugly weeb
Yes, i fucked myself on a daily basis.
Blog aside i'm really enjoying the new Desaster.
top kek
>tfw ALL of the Cannibal Corpse albums with the exception of Kill, The Bleeding and Suicide Gallery are banned in Germany
holy shit this nigger is back, when are you going to kill yourself?
fucking kek
>first reply is this
>less than a minute after
But I thought you said Akercocke ruined death metal by making people think you listened to Meshuggah when you said you listened to prog-metal
>this album goes great with watching porn!
>it's twilight of the thunder god
What's some essential "some of you guys are alright"-core?
i enjoyed his.
But I thought you said Akercocke ruined death metal by making people think you listened to Coheed & Cambria when you said you listened to prog-metal
slow down with your memery preacher
preacher please
But I thought you said Cannibal Corpse ruined death metal by making people think you listened to Six Feet Under when you said you listened to metal
Hola pendejo
this is complete amateur hour, you gotta learn to meme faster
Even the band itself fucking hates you, you piece of shit
>The band has expressed immense hatred in their interviews for a tripfriend on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board by the name of "iopq", the band were qouted saying : "We are ashamed that our music is enjoyed by this lowly waste of air, if we'd ever see him on the street we would bash his brain in"
no, it ruined death metal because people thought I listened to shit like Behemoth when I said I listened to blackened death
superior Roots song coming through
holy shit it's real top fucking kek, don't these edits get insta-reverted though?
Fucking beautiful work user
I listened to Sepulturas early albums yesterday for the first time and Schizophrenia is really fucking good
So you've done it. You've become a living meme trigger.
Quick someone edit Sepultura's Wikipage with "This band is famous for making people think iopq listened to Sepultura when he told people he listened to metal"
When will this stupid iopq meme end
so fucking tired of this shit reddit-tier meme
>When will this stupid iopq meme end
when iopq kills himself
show these amateurs how to meme, user
Put your trip back on
Nevar 4get
>reddit-tier meme
All memes are reddit-tier memes.
So does /metal/ like satyricon or not? Is it just that everybody feels betrayed? Was there a shitstorm around that time?
>Lyrical themes: Grape drank, KFC and watermelon
my kind of people desu
this came out of nowhere
someone meme on a better band
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
>Black Metal, Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal
I read the first paragraph two times before realizing it. Nothing seemed out of place desu.
What do you think of the Doom 2016 soundtrack?
what the fuck are you doing
>mellow shit
no thanks
I'm pretty sure every single person that browses this general already has that album.
what is this hipster shit
djent+glitch fits with the game fine but doesn't even compare to the the classic tunes