Name the one thing that annoys you about your favourite album
times approximately x100
Name the one thing that annoys you about your favourite album
times approximately x100
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Might be annoying or repetitive but I like it
maybe this genre isn't for you op
because this is basically it
When You Sleep
All of it.
some clipping and sudden loud resonant frequencies makes it pretty painful to listen to at a high volume on headphones
Having Celebration after Hey Mama. It's a good song, and to be fair, nothing can really follow up after an emotional and perfect song like Hey Mama, but damn. I'm crying one minute and I'm supposed to forget about it when Kanye talks to his kid? Get the fuck outta here
Or Brandy's chorus. Shoulda been an Alicia Keys feature
Or Jay-Z's feature. Shoulda been no feature at all. Fuck Jay and his off-topic shitposting verses
What the fuck that's the best song on the album though
>Life is a test and I get bad marks
are you fucking kidding me jesse
The cover
holy fucking shit yeah
just imagining that line in my head makes me cringe
>I'm just a man who knows how to feel
Kill me
Danny's voice.
oh fuck you
Or the fact that everytime you hear "Eighties" you think of Come As You Are
>I wouldn't need a hero if I wasn't such a zero, if I wasn't such a zero
something about that terrible rhyme being repeated makes it go from "eh whatever" to "please never say this again"
so much went right and this fucking happened. you're supposed to be surprised by the dynamic shift when the bridge ends, not too busy chortling to notice
this is less offensive because "I'm not your friend, I'm not your..." makes up for it immediately
Don't have that problem. Grohl played drums on 2003 s/t. All is forgiven user.
>Every Danny brown song or project ever
Except Detroit state of mind is probably his one good song if anyone knows songs that his voice isn't worse than hitler please share
>Album version of Heaven's A Lie has an extra minute's worth of instrumental noodling that drags down the good pacing of the single version, but it has better production than the single version
Even without that, Heaven's A Lie is still the weakest song on the album. Mildly annoying that it's their breakout hit.
these are both great though
jesus christ I love you
I don't mind them, but I feel the sort of IDM-esque tracks feel forced. I'd rather the whole album was all glitchy shoegaze.
It's still like my favourite album though.
What's so great about it? There's nothing sonically captivating about it, the drums are too bright, and the main guitar melody in the chorus is annoying af.
The interlude segments at the end of tracks sometimes go on longer than I want them to.
Also fuck that user who said When You Sleep sucks.
(Would have done this more times to illustrate my point, but even Sup Forums thinks its spam.)
I'll kill you when you sleep
Samurai Sword
It has a catchy hook and probably the most memorable lyrics in the album
>main guitar melody in the chorus is annoying af
That's like your opinion man
My love for Elliott Smith is forever undying and for the most part his lyrics never offended and were pretty clever, but he certainly had his fair share of "eh, whatever" moments.
>Also fuck that user who said When You Sleep sucks.
Lemme put it to you this way, if Loveless were Ladies & Gentleman We Are Floating In Space, then When You Sleep would be its Come Together.
it sounds pretty dated
literally some of the best moments on the albums, kys immediately
japancakes' cover is very pretty
I don't dislike When You Sleep but I find it to be a pleb pick for favorites because it's probably the closest thing to a "proper" alt rock tune that the album has. For people who latch onto structure more than texture and volume it's indeed one of the more sound songs on the album, but then again
>listening to Loveless for song structures
I dunno, my dislike for that guitar melody might be related to the fact that I heard this track before getting into Loveless
Both are kinda annoying imo.
There's nothing wrong with his voice on the second half of XXX
That's not even what the sample says you nipple
You take that back you fuck
But that's the best song though
The fact that on Controlling Crowds Part IV, the last track isn't "To the End" is not the last song. It practically feels like the two other songs are B-Sides or credits music if this was a movie.