>_(musician)_ is the __(x)__ of music
Morrissey is the Peter North of music
>_(musician)_ is the __(x)__ of music
Morrissey is the Peter North of music
why wouldn't morrissey just be the morrissey of music
Kurt Cobain is the Steve Jobs of music.
Morrissey needs to die
Nikola Tesla is the Thom Yorke of electricity.
prove me wrong
How is Kurt Cobain the Kanye of music?
actually pretty accurate
think about it a bit more, Kanye doesn't really fit
that's not how this works
Honestly think about it. That makes more sense than either of them being the Steve jobs
I don't think Thom has the disdain for women that Tesla did
he will be
Jimmy Page is the Albert Einstein of music
You're thinking of Stockhausen. They both have popularity because of meme theories
Because Einstein stole all his theories and shit?
i don't understand how this works why wouldn't kanye be the kanye of music instead of cobain they're both musicians
to be fair Jobs was a better musician than both of them
Car Seat Headrest is actually objectively the Morrissey of the current age though.
What the fuck is going on here?
Kanye is the MC Hammer of the 2010's.
I agree.
>grossly overrated
>both committed suicide
>trying to cure cancer with lemon juice counts as suicide
>both took credit for other people's achievements
>world is a better place with them dead
>both took credit for other people's achievements
in relation to Cobain, what? explain?
Trout Mask Replica is the Drakengard of music
cry more.
>both took credit for other people's achievements
yeah you're right that was them and not their ignorant fans and the bullshit media
just ignore all the interviews where they say they just got popular because of luck
I have no clue who Peter North is. I looked him up, and he's a porn star, but I can't quite see the equation of Morrissey to someone who's known for fucking, so I guess there's another Peter North?
Guided by Voices is the cynical/loser former best mate who passive-aggresively ruined your life with his shitty life decisions.of music.
Liam Gallagher is the Steven Blum of music
Peter North is known for dropping mega loads and so is moz's pozzing style
both have produced good things, despite what contrarians on Sup Forums say