Metal general: stoner black edition
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fuck off newfag you know the rules 400+
black sucks dong
We already had a new thread
If he's a newfag, then he obviously doesn't know the rules.
newfag xDDD
Cultes des Ghoules – Henbane. It’s ludicrous that so many in the underground were fooled by this comical album. It’s a lot of bad heavy metal riffs interrupted by “avantgarde” noise, samples, etc. — the usual cliches — so that you don’t notice it’s bog-standard. This is hipster incarnate.
explain to me why black metal is bad
How can I be like Ghost Bath?
not an argument
The scene is bad and 95% of black metal is bad, but that 5% is some sexy stuff.
Too edgy, takes itself too seriously as an art form, fans are all super elitist. Anyway only RAW BLACK METAL is any good.
havent posted on Sup Forums in a while, can someone explain why terminal redux is a meme?
Let's play a game, whatever you do, do NOT post a track by Vektor
Are any of the Blaze Bayley Maiden albums worth listening to?
Step 1: Have a 9th grade mentality in your mid 20s.
Iron Maiden is for pussies. Listen to some actual metal like Deafheaven you fucking homo.
Well considering I browse Sup Forums I figured that that was already well known knowledge.
Where do I go from here?
you just described extreme metal as a whole
Seeing these guys next month, pretty hyped
>listen to Deafheaven
nah, black metal sucks
When it comes to Maiden, it's Bruce or GTFO
Then listen to some Ghost Bath.
not really
but some of his solo stuff isn't bad
>black metal needs to be FUN and accepting of EVERYONE! XD
I just said black metal sucks
I can't believe I actually clicked that
fucking hell, well played
The listen to some Liturgy goddamn you people are dense
Yeah, sure.
no fuck you
Terminal Redux - Vektor
How can you enjoy slam but not deathcore
How can you enjoy Darkthrone but not Deafheaven
We already went overboard last thread, fucking chill
How can you enjoy Immortal but not Ghost Bath?
How can you enjoy /metal/ but not Sup Forums
How can you enjoy Cattle Decapitation but not Cannibal Corpse?
I can see where this thread is headed
I liked Moonlover better.
Ask me anything
How can you enjoy Satyricon but not Litvrgy?
Why are we like this?
How can you enjoy Moonlover but not Funeral
How can you enjoy Vektor but not Skeletonwitch?
How come?
this new deercore is really fucking boring
I wasn't really sure what else I was expecting honestly
I mean at least Aoki had some fun songs
this is just 70 minutes of redundant bullshit
If this had actually digestible vocals, this would be one of my favorite metal albums ever.
What did he mean by this?
Who here is /Kim Carlsson/?
I enjoy both.
The production and vocals are nicer. Everything feels like it fits together better instead of how disjointed Funeral felt.
>I mean at least Aoki had some fun songs
I mean, it's kind of hard to compare Steve Aoki with a melodic death metal, atmo black metal band...
>The production and vocals are nicer. Everything feels like it fits together better instead of how disjointed Funeral felt.
What did he mean by this?
Funeral wasn't Deafheaven worship though, and it was more "black metal" than Moonlover.
Lots of moments in the record felt like they just combined ideas without thinking about if they meshed well.
>Funeral wasn't Deafheaven worship though
Neither was Moonlover.
How can you enjoy Silencer vocals but not enjoy Ghost Bath vocals?
What did he meany by this?
How can you terminal when you can't redux?
You can't deny the similarities between the two bands instrumentation.
I'm assuming you created that thread but if not how fucking sad is your life that you scour Sup Forums looking for people posting about vektor just to make fun of them for it?
How can you like Ghost Bath but not Vektor?
There's definitely similarities but they're still not Deafheaven worship.
what if I like both AND trve raw black metal?
Fair enough.
Not even an hour old and the thread has already gone to complete shit.
Since when did Ghost Bath and Vektor become maymays?
Any NWOBHM recs?
Ghost Vektor - Terminal Bath
Thanks for the rec, this is fucking great
I've just listened to EW's discog, what are some other good doom albums/artists like them?
did somebody say /raw/?
theres a local band where im from called Vicious Firs, and theyre pretty similar
What did he mean by this?
This is not a legit criticism.
Probably something about Ghost Bath
What did he meme by this?
ded thred
post what you're listening to
the Chicago police scanner
negroes are literally murdering each other in the streets since it's 11:17pm there and almost the 4th of July weekend
I like that hipster """"metal"""" is easily identifiable by the shitty album art.
Is the mmetal audience officially dead?
>shitty album art
that's a famous classical era painting with a logo on it
Katatonia- The Fall of Hearts
kill yourself
not yet
but you sure are kiddo
*unzips magma on vinyl*
*slices your throat without you noticing*
Hat are some of your guys favourite metal vocalists? Or even any that are generally considered really good, if you don't have any specifically in mind
>Meshuggah's lead singer, Nicole Kidman, says it was inspired by Alcohollica's guitar wankery and her neighbor's drunken rants about his wife. However, that EP is a recording of soundcheck for the recording of the bands debut album Contra Collapse. This concept release is a past prediction of a future contradiction.
throw on some dark ambient while you do that, it becomes really interesting... no i'm not joking, try it
Jesus that's a lot of bands to take into into consideration
Most of Morbid Angel
Most of Slayers work
Metallica before James blew his voice and turned into a gay cowboy
That's all off the top of my head