Essential Noise Rock chart

I'm trying to get into noise rock looking for stuff like the albums in this chart, probably gonna end up taking one of the Swans albums out but To Be Kind is the only album from this decade that I could think of

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Flipper's first two albums are fantastic early noise rock, as well as the Butthole Surfers first album.

Put White Light/White Heat on there

cop is better than filth
take pixies and to be kind out
add brainbombs, the reatards, no trend

sonic youth - sister
lightning bolt - wonderful rainbow
daughters - self titled
les rallizes dénudés - live 77

I'll take out To Be Kind, but why not Surfer Rosa?

Pain Teens - Destroy Me, Lover
Cop Shoot Cop - Consumer Revolt
Mclusky - Mclusky Do Dallas
Unwound - Fake Train
Laddio Bolocko - Strange Warmings of Laddio Bolocko

shite album and not noisy enough

fair enough

here's the second row

Pixies are good but they're not noise rock, they're barely noise pop.
Add White Light / White Heat and maybe you're living all over me by dinosaur Jr. and daydream nation

Cherubs - Heroin Man

Swans is shit though. Plus they're more drone than noise rock.

Not their early stuff though

i haven't listened to Cop but if its anything like Filth than it's definitley noise rock

early stuff is no wave

glenn branca and bodychoke bby

I dunno if I'd consider The Reatards Noise Rock. I always thought of them as Garage Punk, and only Garage Punk. I would also choose Filth over Cop, because I think Cop is more Sludge Metal than Filth. personally, but these are minor personal grievances.

Anyway you need to add Dinosaur Jr's You're Living All Over Me and something by The Birthday Party.

I would also, personally add The Flaming Lips' In a Priest Driven Ambulance,The Perfect Gift by Scratch Acid and either Eyeball of Hell or Their Organic Majesty's Request by The Electric Eels (which are compilations, but really good)

Does anyone else consider Funhouse by The Stooges Nosie Rock, or is that just me?

>Does anyone else consider Funhouse by The Stooges Nosie Rock, or is that just me?
It's just you.

ya gotta have that sonic youth - daydream nation mane

also boredoms - chocolate synthesizer

i think Filth is still a classic. Cop is just like Filth 2.0, so Filth still comes first.


there's already a no wave chart so stop. this is noise rock

third row done, one or two more than I have to go to work

no James Chance ? no DNA ? no Lydia Lunch ?

woah i did not notice daydream nation was already on there.

put in cough's fright makes right and laddio bolocko's strange warmings of laddio bolocko

cop shoot cop is industrial

Melt-Banana - Charlie is an essential.

Maybe Rapeman's Two Nuns And a Pack Mule

Cows - Daddy Has A Tail

I think Drive Like Jehu were a Noise Rock band, even though I rarely see them tagged as such. If you agree, then Yank Crime is absolutely essential:

Lydia Lunch is no wave (still neat just not noise rock), I'll add something from the other 2

Like said a few times before, add Dinosaur Jr - You're Living All Over Me

How does this not have Boredoms?

if drive like jehu is noise then fugazi too.

this user suggested it too hard to decided which album to go with, usually between chocolate synthesizer, pop tatari, or soul discharge

that's not noise rock. they did have some noisy sounds in that album but as a genre/style it's not noise rock.

It's industrial rock but it's also noise rock


It's as Noise Rock as Daydream Nation is

Transient Noise Bursts.

Is Limp Bizkit's first album noise rock?

one more spot open, what do you want for it?

Drunks With Guns, Stickmen With Rayguns, The Mentally Ill

actually I just remembered Slint existed this is what we're going with, ty everyone for the help

>no Polvo

Is this noise rock, Sup Forums?

>more indie in my opinion
definately noise inspired but overall wouldn't call it noiserock, at least not the whole album

No, Funhouse isn't really noise rock but their debut is. Just listen to the opening of I Wanna Be Your Dog as an example

replace Cop with Public Castration Is A Good Idea

that's not noise rock that's just lofi noise

2 Swans records... Okay....
Surfer Rosa... Hahaha, what the fuck?

this is what happens when Sup Forums thinks they know music

replace Tweez with this

Absolutely not. Pavement doesn't belong on a noise rock chart.

their early eps might

gosh, none of yous actually understands noise rock..

>no Boris - Pink
>no Sonic Youth - Confusion Is Sex

enlighten us user



there's a couple of charts already
although desu it'd be more productive to make a chart that subdivides between pigfuck, now wave, psych etc and other subgenres because it's a pretty wide umbrella

>Surfer Rosa
>To Be Kind
>Noise Rock

agreed. someone should try and make a flow chart


Came in here to ask for this one.

also, are there versions of this album online that aren't 192kbps. The archive only had one link that worked and it sounds kinda ehh.

try soulseek?


I'd say Red Medicine is a noise rock album, barely one, but still

this album is absolutely fucking essential noise rock

Two nuns and a pack mule by rape man Is really good if you liked big black

Needs some Melt-Banana

Needs some Daughters, KEN Mode, and Unsane.

i don't know what to think about this

their early stuff is a lot noisier. i'd recommend starting with either lovelyville or mother of all saints instead, though they do have more feller filler

Yeah flipper is pretty rad

Atomizer is better.

>album is from 1984

>.gif image
>doesn't move

That's why wojack is scared.

you better be listening to it right now

Well I am now. It's shit. Is this a prank? This isn't noisey and it certainly isn't rock.

I have to stop overestimating Sup Forums's taste

stick to swans and big black if you cant into subtlety

>isn't rock
are you sure you listened to the right album?

Shockabilly - Your USA and My Face

How is this Noise Rock? It's not noisy at all. Are you saying that the noise here is subtle? Are you actually doing this? I might've enjoyed it if you didn't say it's noise rock desu.

It's certainly not noise rock in the traditional sense, but I still feel like noise rock is the label for it.

I liken it to what procol harum is to prog for example. It certainly doesn't sound like anything that came after it, but it's still a well defined example of the genre; albeit in a bit of a primordial state and with a different concept

I'm not feeling.

*feeling it

no skin off my nose mane, an opinion's an opinion

Chart needs Boris and Melt-Banana

Pic related and either Cell Scape or Fetch

>Confusion Is Sex
Why not EVOL, Sister or Daydream Nation instead?

>no one mentions detroy all music, yahweh or the highway, any of fushitsusha's stuff

fuck man
the gordons - s/t
gg allin & the scumfucs

early white zombie

Add these

Boredoms- Super ae
Glenn Branca- The Ascension
Butthole Surfers- Locust Abortion Technician
Converge- Jane Doe
Dinosaur Jr.- You're Living All Over Me
Husker Du- Zen Arcade
Lighting Bolt- Wonderful Rainbow
Melt Banana- Fetch
Nirvana- In Utero
Sonic Youth- Sister, Daydream Nation, and EVOL.
Wolf Eyes- Burned Mind
VU- VU and Nico

That's Noise Pop

Bastro - Sing the Troubled Beast