what does Sup Forums think of modern baseball?
What does Sup Forums think of modern baseball?
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>what does Sup Forums think of modern baseball?
what did he mean by this?
>caught between the safety net of adolescence and where the world wants me to be
I really like them when I want to feel sad and nostalgic but wouldn't want to listen to them with other people if that makes sense, kind of cringey but I'm into it
Never Meant is my favorite song
what do YOU think about them op?
they're the good kind of sad and akward
Awful and they contributed to the ruining of the emo genre
pretty much this
how did they ruin emo? they have relatable lyrics to people who came of age in the 2010's
i don't think of them
Trans faggots who have a fucking hotline you can call if someone is getting too close to you at their shows.
rich kids who go to college in Philly and dupe the scene there don't belong. plus they're all more obnoxious in person than the singer of Foxing even.
Pretty much every time I go to a DIY or punk show or somethin now somebody in the audience has to shout about how "OH YEAH I REMEMBER SEEING MODERN BASEBALL BACK IN BLAH BLAH BLAH..."
Just Another Face is ESOTY
generic lazy melodramatic emo for generic lazy melodramatic emos
Because "emotional lyrics" doesn't constitute being an emo band. So many of these new "emo" bands that started appearing in the 2000s took the genre name from a still underground scene and watered it down by making it Hot Topic-core
A requiem for OG 2001 Long Island emo, just watered down, not as emotional and significantly more watered down. Good for people that just want to listen to a short rip off of "Your Favorite Weapon". Stronger pop appeal as well; could likely gain more traction on the charts than their predecessors
People actually listen to music with other people outside of concerts?
Do you ever ride in a car with other people or go to social events?
I like them. Though after their newest album I've had a harder time going back to their last two. The song writing is so much better on the third LP and it's sonically much more interesting than the last two.
They're a fun band that writes good songs to sing along to. And they have a killer live show.
New album is pretty good, but a bit too short.
Emo died with Algernon tbhfamilia.
i like midwest emo a ton but i've never actually listened to them and idk if i really want to. lots of my friends like them but desu i don't really like a lot of the music my friends like.
Holy Ghost was at least descent.
I like Kris Bryant