What are your favorite comfy laid back surf rock songs? Its summertime anons, chill out.
Comfy Surf Music thread
You fucking cunt, stop posting asses for easy replies
just a little bump, nothing fatal Mr. user
Whats wrong with one aesthetically pleasing ass? Do you have to sexualize everything?
show beenis.
Stressed the fuck out at work, this thread is taking the edge off. More please.
you're the ass here you cuntbucket
> one chance at life
> not a long haired blonde strayan surfer
why go on
>that post number
well done
i wanna put my face in and sniff it
thanks OP, I just got fired from my job
>cmd + f
>"beach boys"
>0 results
That has nothing to do with sexualizing it. The ass adds nothing to the actual conversation and leads to a whole bunch of nice ass or show me your tits replies.
Work for yourself from now on user, fuck making people more money.
me too
guys, c'mon
you know there's only one thing a butt could possibly smell like
that's gross
t. never smelled a girls ass
no, not personally.
but i know a guy that has
that hook is fantastic