old ones about to die, you know what to do
New chart thread
Other urls found in this thread:
this is outdated, but can't update because topsters has gone to shit
neutral milk hotel, death grips
>neutral milk hotel
>death grips
don't particularity like either of them, but thanks
Rec pls.
King Crimson - In The Court of The Crimson King
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker and Lonerism
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
Interpol - Turn on The Bright Lights
also, Pink Floyd - Meddle
Thanks, I've already listened to Turn on The Bright Lights and Meddle, and I liked them both. I'll give the other ones a go, eventually.
I rec'd Meddle since it's my favorite Pink Floyd album and I didnt see it on our chart
Check out the other 4, I feel like you'd really enjoy them, especially In The Court of The Crimson King and Tame Impala
Little Kid - Logic Songs
Mariee Sioux - Faces In The Rocks
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Gentle Giant - Gentle Giant
Faust - Faust IV
Amon Düül II - Yeti
Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Joanna Newsom - Ys
i know about it, but I don't really want to rebuild my entire chart
New Order - Power, Corruption and Lies
Deafheaven - Sunbather
Arvo Pärt - Adam's Lament
also i might drone off ur chart, looks like youve got some good stuff on there
love a bit of jay munly, check out slim cessnas auto club
a+ for bazooka tooth
he's got a killer verse on ego death by busdriver off perfect hair, you might dig the album
you are v boring and are self-conscious about making 'wrong' decisions
possessed by paul james
i recc you keep doing you and enjoying it
fun taste
the shotgun wedding quintet
i'm so sleep deprived
seconding logic songs
balkans s/t
andrew chalk
german error message
I used to listen to a lot of New Order. I'm not that into them anymore. Thanks anyway.
>Gentle Giant - Gentle Giant
>Faust - Faust IV
>Amon Düül II - Yeti
I know and like these records. I've almost put Yeti on my chart but I've changed it to Agitation Free. Gentle Giant is great but not a personal favorite. Faust IV is the best Faust record imo.
hello! how is everyone?
digable planets - blowout comb
lil herb - welcome to fazoland
the caretaker - an empty bliss beyond this world
television - marquee moon
ice cube - the predator
deakin - sleep cycle
i liked sleep cycle, not enough to put it on my chart tho, thanks anyway
>also i might drone off ur chart, looks like youve got some good stuff on there
oh stop it you
but yeah i think you'd like most of the shit on there, it's like one third edgemeister noise, one third pop and one third things you'd also enjoy
oh and check out forza albino's black dog. it's the most entertaining danish whitehouse cover band ever, as well as the source of my the my chart's filename
fucken nice dude but you could always listen to more
hell yeah dude i've listened to all the denver dudes
check out the bleak environment label
I actually don't know what to do, but I can pretend that I do. Does that count? Also, I'm currently relistening to The Arid Sea - New Roman Twilight and it's much better than I remember it being. I mean, it's not like it's the pinnacle to gothic rock, but it does what it sets out to really well.
>andrew chalk
Thanks. Never heard of him. Ambient/drone, huh? I'll check it out.
Drive like jehu
>the caretaker - an empty bliss beyond this world
I've already listened to every Caretaker release. Thanks anyway.
Animal Collective
Is this what passes for taste nowadays? I knew Sup Forums had the worst taste out of all the Sup Forums boards, but this is sort of pathetic.
arab strap - monday at the hug & pint
george garside - new land
tia blake - folk songs & ballads
abwarts - amok koma
sandra electronics - sessions
they're on my bottom row. amazing album. got anything similar?
Sorry didn't notice.
Do you listen to Hüsker Dü, NoMeansNo, The Jesus Lizard?
said the fag with an ajj album in his top four
Who the fuck do you think you even are, waltzing into this thread, pushing your beliefs and taste upon others? You're slime. Bottom of the barrel. Purposeless. You're nothing but something to be walked on. When did you get such a fucking ego, thinking that you're at all important? I swear, I eat kids like you for fucking breakfast. Please, trot on out of this thread, for your own good. Your presence here disgusts me, since all you look for is some sort of purpose, some attention. Well, here's your attention, punk. Negative attention. Never before have I seen somebody as desperate as you for attention, yet here you are, posting shitty comic stills and talking out of your ass in the most provocative of terms you can muster. It's not working.
Please, kid, you're an embarrassment. Why do you even come here? Are you hoping to gain some sort of e-fame to make up for your small penis? Do you have mommy issues? Daddy issues? Nobody fucking cares. You're weak. And you know this, so you put on some sort of fucking farce so as to pretend to be worthwhile, when you know deep down that you're not. Spare me the details, since I won't be listening to them. I hate the very IDEA of you, you worthless maggot. Please, do us all a favor and kill yourself so that we'll never need to be in your presence again. It's for the best, so why don't you do it? Are you that much of a pussy?
I'm done. All of you tripfags are horrible, but you have to be the worst of the lot. Crawl back to your basement and wallow in your own self-pity so that we don't need to deal with you.
Abilene - Abilene
Vic Chesnutt - Is The Actor Happy?
Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Quintet - ONJQ Live in Lisbon
I can smell your autism from here
did you find another skid mark in your underwear again? sorry to hear that
haha, how can autism be used as an insult?
Only an ignorant cunt would use autism as an insult. (And there's nothing I hate more than ignorance)
Autism is a gift in my case, I have an IQ of over 150 which makes me technically a genius thanks to my autism.
I've been going through school all my life being bored out of my fucking brains getting at least 95% on all my tests (and all the incorrect answers were silly mistakes) because I'm just too fucking smart for school I can't wait for everyone else to learn something I already knew within the first day or too of being taught it.
Every year I scored the best of my year on these stupid multiple choice tests we do and the headmaster came to my class to tell me that, which obviously resulted in being called a 'nerd' which is true but I shouldn't be ridiculed for it.
I recently became home educated so I could learn at my own pace and I'm getting my GCSEs done in 1/4 of the time everyone else has to do it in, I'm also doing more than double the average amount of GCSEs that usually would be done.
I used to get paid $30 an hour working online, which is more than the teaching assistants at my old school earned, it was so fun pointing that out to them.
So, in conclusion, calling someone autistic is not an insult, in my case, it makes me highly gifted.
One more thing, I don't know if this has anything to do with my autism but I am a sociopath so I'm not hindered by irrational emotions like guilt, compassion, empathy etc.
haha, the most satisfying this is to know that you will all see this as a waste of a natural gift that I am undeserving hahaha, that brings me great satisfaction.
I'm practically perfect, let the jealousy flow through you.
recs please
Ulaan Passerine - The Great Unwinding
Botanist - VI: Flora
Simon Wickham-Smith - Dyro
The American Jobs - Carne Levare
julian lynch - lines
svitlana nianio - kитицi
gareth davis, jan kleefstra & romke kleefstra - tongerswel
kaczmarski, gintrowski, lapiński - wojna postu z karnawałem
recs por favor :P
whitney -light upon the lake
nah - woe
perhaps - volume one
>shits on other peoples taste
>has some Sup Forums core on chart
maximum kek
mono - the last dawn
haven't checked out any. thanks!
embryo - stieg aus
how are you unty
hope you're feeling comfy :')
teenage fanclub - bandwagonesque
nickelus f & shawn kemp - trick dice
big moe - city of syrup
mirror - visiting star
is it truly you? are you still among us?
jmbon jimbonon
that sean mccann release looks real interesting
have you listened to omit, k-group, surface of the earth at all?
Chart thread recs:
>NUMBER GIRL - School Girl Distortional Addict
That's it for now. I'm trying to put it on my chart but inkscape is being a right cunt about it all.
Game Theory - Lolita Nation
Alan Vega - Cubist Blues
Armand Schaubroeck Steals - Ratfucker
The Sonics - Here Are The Sonics
The Notwist - Neon Golden
Deutsche Wertarbeit - s/t
Olivia Tremor Control - Black Foliage
Subterranean Records - Club Foot
Oppenheimer Analysis - New Mexico
Futurisk - Player Piano
Ike Yard - s/t
Sand - Golem
Simon Finn - Pass The Distance
Paul Roland - Cabinet Of Curiosities
Laibach - Opus Dei
Bill Orcutt - A New Way To Pay Old Debts
Henry Flynt - My Everlovin
Sir Richard Bishop - Salvador Kali
Atlas Sound - Logos
Oneohtrix Point Never - Returnal
Jerry Paper - Big Pop For Chameleon World
Kairon Irse - Ujubasajuba
Kjarkas - Canto a la mujer de mi pueblo (2nd re-issue)
rec me something brah
Oblivians - Plays 9 Songs
Scientists - Weird Love
why would you put a 5.5/10 on a chart? whata re you doing
I was making a separate section for ratings on what people have recced me in these threads (I have em' all down on a google doc).
Nothing on my regular chart is under an 8/10.
am I avant-garde enough yet? i want to seem cool to all the pleb anons on Sup Forums :-)
gib recs plox
Protip from an autist to an autist: Limit how much you write. It will make you look less autistic.
oh ok
Replace Spirit and Merriweather with Here Comes the Indian and Feels, replace Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere with either Time Fades Away or Tonight's the Night (the former for optimal effect,) and replace Neutral Milk Hotel with some New Weird America artist like Fursaxa or Josephine Foster.
i recommend you listen to the chirst tree by the trees community
These ones get me in all the right places.
Ghostface Killah - Fishscale
really like this Jerry Paper album, thanks a lot