Some may argue Slowdive has better lyrics and they got Eno. Some may say MBV has better songwriting and densier and better atmosphere.
Let's settle this once for all. What's your favorite Sup Forums?
Loveless vs Souvlaki
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Here's the poll
i like them both
Tbh as similar as they are in certain aspects, 90% of the time these albums sound completely different to me
I used to think Loveless but Souvlaki has better melodies
Going Blank Again
Liking Souvlaki a tiny bit more atm
It'd be interesting to hear more dubby elements in shoegaze
Fuck off Will
Loveless is more culturally significant but I like Souvlaki a lot more and have listened to it WAY more times.
I like my shoegaze more dreamy than noisy, and I don't think Loveless has anything that hits as high as Souvlaki Space Station or When the Sun Hits.
Curve is better than both of them
>I like my shoegaze more dreamy than noisy
me too, but i disagree on the second part. When You Sleep and Sometimes are as good as the songs you listed.
MBV is better, but Slowdive is better to listen to
Fuck off Montie
Souvlaki Space Station is one of my favourite songs ever so I'd have to go with Souvlaki
Slowdive are awful. Souvlaki is one of the worst albums ever.
Stay in that other thread you started.
Dubs confirm
t. butthurt Slowdive fag
shoo you can bump your own thread in peace
Can not be compared in my opinion
Loveless defines the amazingly layered and noisy side of shoegaze, while Souvlaki is much cleaner produced and more the washed-out melancholic side of shoegaze.
To be honest I prefer Souvlaki because of my emotional connection to that album, but objectively Loveless is the more impressive artistic work.
It's probably the melancholy and dem feels that make me enjoy Souvlaki more
Souvlaki took ages to grow on me, while Loveless instantly amazed me.
Nothing better than crying yourself to sleep while stoned and drunk, synchronously falling asleep as the album ends with Dagger. ;_;
they had eno for one song m8
100% this post. You summed it up well beautifully. Also, Loveless is a bit more consistent thsn Souvlaki.
>tripping as "montieboys"
Jesus fucking christ end your life
Loveless, no contest. I got into Souvlaki a couple of years before Loveless, but when the latter finally clicked for me I never looked back.
Can't understand how you can only decide for one of these albums, they're the biggest contrast you can have in shoegaze
Still better than Loveless
I like em both, but Souvlaki wore out a lot faster. I've heard Loveless 400+ times and have yet to tire of it.
I'm more of a noisy type of guy, so I think Loveless is better. But when Souvlaki hits you, it's just hit you harder.
Both great