Post musicians that are forbidden to be discussed in the patrician scene.
Musicians blacklisted by the patrician scene
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Wait, what? Why?
>2014: "I still remember going to the CD World and buying The Sensual World when I was sixteen. And the cover, there’s a rose in front of her mouth that has bloomed, she’s got big wide eyes. And I remember, you know, putting it in the shitty car stereo on the way home, and you know, my life was forever changed.”
>2007: "And I also— this may sound really silly— but I just discovered Kate Bush, probably six months ago, and I think she’s so great. I know I’m very late to the party here [laughs], I know this is old news, but I got a Kate Bush record, and I forget— I think “The Dreaming” is on it, though I’m spacing on the name of the record.”
cos she's a talentless hack
So what you are saying is that you don't like this song?
that was before david byrne raped her
>the patrician scene
Give me an example of a song that was created as a result of the rape.
>the patrician scene
Stop samefagging this shit, no one fucking cares.
You obviously care if you're replying.
Sup Forums is mad that she went dyke
meme school
What exact time in the video did she say that?
exactly 46:47
whoops missed that.
Well I'll be....
No wonder the biggest comment she can make about Kate Bush in both cases is just the look of the album cover lol.
shit I remember that thread that was fun
Whatever, Actor is still a great record.