wildflower was so bad it made me revisit SILY which i havent listened to since i first started browsing Sup Forums in 2009 and i'm now finding it hard to believe I was so in love with such pIebeian, boring grooves. The only good song on here is the first one.
Anyone else revisit this and think it's not as good as you once thought?
Other urls found in this thread:
I literally don't fucking care
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
you cared enough to fill out the post with text, solve the captcha, and hit enter on a friday night
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
>solve the captcha
>mfw I'm probably the fastest at solving here
took me 2 seconds to fill the one out for this post, whats your best time?
.5 seconds
i hated SILY and i only shitpost about Wildflower because i'm convinced it's just as shit as SILY
I drew this guy once I liked the picture so much
Sup Forums in a nutshell
>i'm convinced it's just as shit as SILY
it's unimaginably worse
you still have the pic?
Avalanches are shit. That being said, if you let some memeing retards dissuade you from enjoying something you thought you liked before, you never liked it in the first place.
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
wtf i hate
>wildflower was so bad
Stopped reading right there.
I don't even like music, I'm just here to meme.
it sucked shit user i dont see how anyone who has listened to more than 500 good albums can think otherwise
Wildflower made me appreciate just how good Since I Left You is even more.
What's so bad about it?
Sup Forums summed up in one sentence
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
Go fucking kill yourself if you actually think FrankGAY Sinatra is "not that bad"
>FrankGAY Sinatra
simply eric
In the context of the album with the shorter cut it's not that bad.
>atrocious verses from one of the best rappers out right now and a vet
>not that bad
not that this is a mediocre song (it's utter shit) but being okay with mediocrity is whats killing creativity
inb4 tips fedora
Yeah, I'm selling my SILY vinyl
Avalanches is just proto-electroswing anyway
*gargantuan tip of alligator skin fedora*
>mediocrity is what kills creativity
How's freshman orientation going?
Yo hit me up, I'll take it.
emailed you :)
This is one of the few times where Christgau nails it:
"the long-promised new-songs-from-old-songs trick, in which untrackable samples are stitched together until they mesh into compelling music that never existed before. Unfortunately, the music in question is string-section disco."
What a rockist opinion
I think they're both about equal in quality. You're all faggots.
>doesn't like 'electroswing'
>two hearts in 3/4 time
>frontier psych
come on man
meaningless post
how's being a fucking retard?
people are entitled to their opinions, but sometimes imma gonna say; 'you just don't get it'
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
The best songs on SILY aren't even disco.
>Unfortunately, the music in question is string-section disco.
Literally "I only ever listened to the first track:" the opinion
>sitting through more than one track on this piece of shit
This boy needs therapy.
can anyone give me a working link to wildflower?
kickass torrents dot net
>Stay Another Season
>Two Hearts in 3/4 Time
>Avalanche Rock
>Flight Tonight
>Close to You
>Diners Only
>A Different Feeling
>Tonight May Have to Last Me All My Life
>Pablo's Cruise
>Frontier Psychiatrist
>Summer Crane
>Little Journey
>Live at Dominoes
>Extra Kings
you forgot a couple
your a dorable
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
i gave this album 3 different genuine tries, getting like 10 or so songs into it. never saw what the big deal was in the first place
i mean http, can't do torrents here
hey guys what's going on this thre-
wtf I hate The Avalanches now
same here, do like etoh though
>this will be what Avalanches are remembered by because of nu-Sup Forums
anywhere past 2012 was a mistake
>implying I don't have a Sup Forums Pass
tits pls
>spending money so you don't have to do something that takes literally two seconds
you've been jewed, by friend
are you on fucking meth?
a) this is one of their worst songs
b) on one of their worst albums
c) and they suck as a band in general
The Avalanches are shit anyway
This board needs therapy.
Have an upvote my good sir.
haha reddit things and such
Grab a kazoo, let's have a duel
Definitely has a different feel to Wildflower for sure. A lot of the songs are more repetitive and dance music-esque, for better or for worse depending on your preference. Still like it, but tbqh I'm really digging the new album's style more.
Literally the opposite. I finally got into it after like 10 listens.