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ITT: Soundtracks better than the movie itself
Is this a good movie?
lol no
absolutely fucking not
If you're 15, yes.
It was my favorite movie when I was 15, I have fond memories of it though so I don't want to rewatch it cause I know it's going to be terrible
emma watson was hot but other than that it was atrocious
>Under the Milky Way
>The Killing Moon
>Love Will Tear Us Apart
>Head Over Heels
So what you're saying is that as someone who just graduated highschool I should NOT watch this movie?
Don't listen to the edgy contrarians, it's not bad at all
yeah its aight
nice thread
No. I watched it when I was in 10th grade with senior friends and I loved it, but any older than that and I would say you probably won't like it.
The Neon Demon
although the movie was still fantastic
Not better, but the score elevates it to an entirely different plane
both the movie and the soundtrack were impression
I liked it. The book is better
dont listen to this contrarian its really bad
Purple Rain is the epitome of a soundtrack trumping its film
Unless SFTB ever got a film adaptation
great film
Loved the soundtrack but fuck outta here
That's probably a perfect age to watch it or something like Palo Alto
Those fucks switched out Landslide with "Heroes" for the tunnel part. Trash tbqh
it's maybe the most boring and mediocre film of all time
it was alright. the best thing about it though was heroes being in the movie
Seriously, no Ennio?
fuck off
Yeah, except that a bunch of teenagers who prided themselves on knowing and being interested in music weren't already familiar with one of Bowie's most famous songs
The Neon Demon
Sucker Punch
I love that soundtrack but it is in no way better than the actual movie itself
It's been a really long time since I've seen the film but I'll throw it out there that the Romero + Juliet soundtrack is excellent