why does Sup Forums despise Annie Clark so much?
Why does Sup Forums despise Annie Clark so much?
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is it because she's a FUCKING LIAR, Sup Forums?
she has a bigger penis than them
she has pretty eyes tbj
aside from that, she's a shite musician
meme hair
Because of threads like this
I wonder what her hairy pits smell like
Because she got popular elsewhere. Sup Forums used to love her.
she's a woman
Sage the samefag
>2014: "I still remember going to the CD World and buying The Sensual World when I was sixteen. And the cover, there’s a rose in front of her mouth that has bloomed, she’s got big wide eyes. And I remember, you know, putting it in the shitty car stereo on the way home, and you know, my life was forever changed.”
>2007: "And I also— this may sound really silly— but I just discovered Kate Bush, probably six months ago, and I think she’s so great. I know I’m very late to the party here [laughs], I know this is old news, but I got a Kate Bush record, and I forget— I think “The Dreaming” is on it, though I’m spacing on the name of the record.”
i'm more of a bbq ruffles kind of guy
reminder to report these threads
all the same guy
Sup Forums used to love her? what happened
hahahaha, based OP, I was having a pretty miserable night until I saw the name of that image.
>tfw cant discus annie on 4shit Sup Forums
she has indentations on the side of her nose from glasses, but she doesn't wear glasses. interesting.
How is this any different than you lying about your favorite band to that QT you met at starbucks?
Lemme help you out Sherlock...
but what sunglasses have those nose bridge holders that glasses have, sherlock?
jst got back from her show and it was shit
her jawline is pathetic