On Hipsterism and Musical Discovery

ITT: The reason why Sup Forums berates people for listening to Sup Forumscore is because all internet music boards are born out of elitist hipsterism.

People like this are obsessed and hellbent on achieving a feeling in which they're listening to music in which very few or nobody else is listening to. They get off to this sense of ascended musical discovery.

'Entry-level' hipsters believe this ascended level is the thing we call Sup Forumscore, but because people on Sup Forums treat Sup Forumscore like 'entry-level' hipsters treat radio pop, many of it's members are in a race to find the most obscure music which they happen to like. Meanwhile, they listen to any Sup Forumscore plagued with bias from their sense of ascension, and evaluate the albums as negatively as possible.

Sup Forumscore was born out of a collective sense of praise and acclaim on this board. Maybe there are a few you dislike, as is natural. But stop forcing and feigning dislike for these great albums because of some aimless quest to have the most original looking music library.

In general, a combination of proficient and consistent musical discovery and positive evaluation of the music you come across will accumulate in the maximal state of musical enjoyment.


You know, I really wanted to respond with a clever shitpost, but I actually do kind of agree with this. nu Sup Forums is a weird place.

I agree.

>being this insecure about what someone thinks of the music you like on a Malaysian finger-painting board
nah but, hating people for liking Sup Forumscore is pretty not cool, by definition of being an individual with an opinion, you are yourself entitled to like things that others do not, and others are entitled to dislike things that you like vice versa ect ect.
Given that most of the albums in Sup Forumscore are considered 'classics' by the majority of both intelligent and popular criticism, they really are a 'starting point' for which people should jump off from though. This was the original intent of Sup Forumscore, by listening to a portion of the albums considered Sup Forumscore you bring yourself up to speed with the (popular) music canon of the last 50 or so years, ready to explore some of the more challenging stuff. You don't even have to like the albums there, it's really just a primer.
I do still agree with the assertion though that a lot of people listen to weird and esoteric music to appear elevated above your garden variety Sup Forumstant though. Still, if a person genuinely likes this music than they are entitled to their opinion, what they are not entitled to do is judge other people based upon a perceived difference in the authenticity of a given person's taste
tl;dr, you do you

I just like music and want to talk about it with people that also like music. I do hear some new stuff through this board too. That's been cool.

I really enjoy majority of "Sup Forumscore". The only ones I dislike to a pretty high degree are related to Kanye West and American Football.

did anyone else read this in his voice?


Except this is nonsensical, there's no music "discovery" at all anymore.

what is wrong with American Football?


>nah but, hating people for liking Sup Forumscore is pretty not cool, by definition of being an individual with an opinion, you are yourself entitled to like things that others do not, and others are entitled to dislike things that you like vice versa ect ect.

agree entirely

>Given that most of the albums in Sup Forumscore are considered 'classics' by the majority of both intelligent and popular criticism, they really are a 'starting point' for which people should jump off from though. This was the original intent of Sup Forumscore, by listening to a portion of the albums considered Sup Forumscore you bring yourself up to speed with the (popular) music canon of the last 50 or so years, ready to explore some of the more challenging stuff. You don't even have to like the albums there, it's really just a primer.

Agree. I think the elitism comes in because people assume that 'starting points' are by definition of lesser quality or attract to a lesser standard of evaluater than the 'beyond the starting point' and 'challenging' music. Which is the kind of warped elitism that is idiotic on the board. I agree with the Sup Forums sentiment that one should not only stick to Sup Forums and never discover. As I said, consistent musical discovery is one half of maximal music enjoyment. But, people have confused that with the quality of the Sup Forumscore 'starting points', and unfairly criticise them because of it. I don't want to make some hypocritical statement that everyone should like Sup Forumscore, that would be ridiculous, but I am very skeptical about the way some people are evaluating Sup Forumscore and it seems to me to be unfair.

I enjoyed the math-rock instrumentals but the lyrics were very bad and I just couldn't do it.

I think you've misunderstood what I meant by 'musical discovery'.

Simply, all I mean by this is whenever you listen to a new album, or find a new album/band to listen to. I mean it on a personal level. If someone has never heard of ITAOTS, then they find it on the internet, that is discovery. That is all I meant.

I think this is true to a certain point, especially for newer users. However, I feel like the constant circlejerking of the same 10~ albums gets tiring over time, and I just wish people would expand their tastes. Yeah, I like NMH, Radiohead, AnCo, etc. but could we talk about something else for once? All these threads people continually post the same albums then gloat about how 'patrishun' they are. When you try to post about albums that are not the norm you get few responses or are accused of being a tryhard or whatever.
I think your initial point is true for the majority though, as most people want to be dicks and berate others. I just get tired of the same stuff over and over. I guess there must be a big rotation of users for this board though, with a constant influx of new people. Who knows.

I always thought Sup Forums-core was more of a list of "hey, these are a couple of albums that are discussed a lot in here, so you better listen to them to get the references and memes"

I think another thing that may add to this sort of elitist hipsterism is a feeling that people don't appreciate something as much as you do.

I used to hate ITAOTS because well it was Sup Forumscore, and I was a fucking idiot. However I listened to it again recently, and it sort of clicked. I just couldn't handle it. I listened 5 times in a row and was freaking out. I appreciate it now I think it is a masterpiece.

However this was a long ass process for me, and I did have to put in a lot of work to get there. Considering this is an album that almost everybody likes I highly doubt everybody who calls it a masterpiece has really had their own moment similar to this.

I understand it probably sounds really childish to complain that somebody doesn't like something as much as you do. However we kind of live in a world now where everybody wants to be associated with different groups, and a lot of Sup Forumscore kind of fits into this category of stuff you say you like when in reality that's as deep as you have gone which can feel almost like the person is lying to you or something.

Sorry about the gay ass shit I wrote above.

man this is maybe the most articulate and correct thread I've ever seen on this board

>I do still agree with the assertion though that a lot of people listen to weird and esoteric music to appear elevated above your garden variety Sup Forumstant though. Still, if a person genuinely likes this music than they are entitled to their opinion, what they are not entitled to do is judge other people based upon a perceived difference in the authenticity of a given person's taste
tl;dr, you do you

Ultimately I will always agree with this. If someone genuinely GENUINELY hates all of Sup Forumscore then, well there you go. This is all born from a skepticism I, and I think other have on people's evaluations of Sup Forumscore on this board. Namely, that it is overly-harsh and overly-criticised.

nope, look at the top and bottom of the chart

I think those two are commonly the least favourites. Any ideas why these seem the most popularly disliked?


when I came to this board as a musical ignorant, Sup Forums-core introduced me to records that are now some of my all-time favorites, mainly Remain in Light and Untrue. However, I did not post here until I expanded my taste. The problem is new posters who listen to a few of Sup Forums-core and suddenly think they are elevated, or the ones who shit on everything that is frequently posted here just for the sake of being contrarian hipsters

I just don't like ANYTHING Kanye has ever put out, I mean I think he could do some cool stuff with criticism on pop culture but I just don't give a fuck about him at all, his music doesn't click with me as anything special, and I don't like his voice.

well, Kanye is controversial, and anything that is more pop-oriented is prone to more criticism. And American Football is emo, a genre people love to shit on

> However, I feel like the constant circlejerking of the same 10~ albums gets tiring over time, and I just wish people would expand their tastes.

I actually don't think this is as much of a problem as it may seem. It's not that everybody on the board is jerking off over the same ten albums, it just appears that way when you look at it on an aggregate level. Other than the completely new people, most peoples top 10 albums may only have two or three Sup Forumscore albums at most. Pretty much all the Sup Forumscore albums are critically acclaimed to some extent, so It's not that surprising that most people will end up really liking at least a few of them, nor is indicative of people just parroting the hive minds taste necessarily. Some might like ITAOTS and Hospice, others might like The Money Store and Loveless. It's not that everyone is talking about all of them, they just discuss the ones they specifically like and when you average them out those are the ten or that get discussed the most.

Nice contribution, care to flesh it out?

>Ultimately I will always agree with this. If someone genuinely GENUINELY hates all of Sup Forumscore then, well there you go. This is all born from a skepticism I, and I think other have on people's evaluations of Sup Forumscore on this board. Namely, that it is overly-harsh and overly-criticised.
I find it hard to believe that there will be absolutely nothing on the chart that a person will find value in, given the sheer variety of what's on offer
still, nothing is sacred or perfect
this is probably the best thread on the board for quite some time, at least 2 years

I respect this idea. It is irritating for a regular Sup Forums user to see people new to Sup Forums making threads about things that have been talked about for years.

Generally, with these people they are one of three types of people:
1. They are generally new people to Sup Forums, they don't fully understand the amount the albums have been talked about, they aren't trying to be annoying, and they're just looking for a place to talk about this album with people. Now, this is Sup Forums, so the hostility to people like this is expected. My advice to these people would be to admit they are a "newfag" immediately, and follow by asking for recommendations for albums similar to whatever Sup Forumscore they just fell in love with.

2. They're trolls who are trying to irritate and bait Sup Forums. There's not much to say about these people? Annoying kids/teenagers usually, but an anonymous free-to-use board is always going to have it's pros and cons. And they're obviously a con.

3. They're using Sup Forumscore albums because it's an album that is known by most. And they're making a joke using the shared knowledge of the album. I understand that Sup Forums is a place for comedy as well as musical discussion, so this is fine too.

desu, I like pretty much every Sup Forumscore album. Obviously that's not the extent of my taste and I branch out into other specific directions, but like shit there's a reason they're so frequently discussed. They're pretty damn good albums.

It's about learning not to get tired of albums for the wrong reasons.

>Hurr it's on image guides
>People recommend it
>Some people start their intro to the genre with it

Yep, enough reason to hate it

I agree for the most part with what you said.

>when in reality that's as deep as you have gone which fan feel almost like the person is lying to you or something


If i've understood you correctly, this sentiment is why I stress music discovery in my OP. I think people who have only listened to Sup Forumscore then come on Sup Forums and try and tell everyone that it's amazing and if they dislike it they're an idiot, well, these people are stupid.

Someone who has only listened to Sup Forums should realise that in 5 months time when they have listened to 500 more albums, perhaps they will feel differently about, say, ITAOTS.

This is a slightly different criticism than my OP I think. But I think this is a justifiable criticism against people who flood Sup Forums with threads praising Sup Forumscore.

Thanks for the thread compliment. I just wanted a little break from constant hostility threads about the same albums over and over.

There's only so many times you can read "haha Loveless sucks pleb" or something similar before you feel like a change.

Yeah I think that is a big part of it.

When I first heard ITAOTS it was just some folk album which tried to be disturbing, but as I discovered more music and got pretty deep into psychedelic music I came to realize that it is an amazing blend of folk and psychedelic music.

I find your story about ITAOTS interesting too. I have, many times, especially in my teen years, forced myself to hate stuff.

And I gained nothing. All I was doing was shielding myself from music I would otherwise be enjoying. It's an utterly illogical and pointless activity.

Sometimes, on this board, it feels like I have regressed into my teen years. Looking around and constantly seeing people hating what's popular as much as possible.

Sup Forums has a lot of great stuff and i've been shown a lot of great music through it. This thread was really to just openly discuss a part of it I find quite shitty.

I just like to shit on other people's opinions. Fuck you OP. Kill yourself.

Honestly I did that pretty much until I took acid. Really changed my life man kind of like a wash for my soul.

I respect that Sup Forums will always have people who want to incite hostility. Of course i'm a regular user of Sup Forums, I don't have a problem with this.

OP was not saying "pls be nice 100% of the time from now on guys"

I also feel like it can go both ways kind of. I used to like stuff just to get my cred up even though I didn't really like it.

Which I guess is what I was trying to get at with what I said.

Absolutely. I recently went through something like that. I know Sup Forums's love for Can, and I thought Ege Bamyasi was pretty good, but tried especially hard to love it, listening to it like 4 times in a row. After a while, I was like "why am I doing this? I'm just going to return to it when I feel like it and let any change of opinion come naturally"

It is honestly a liberating feeling when you stop caring about what people say regarding your opinion.

OP is a faggot for not understanding that only morons take any of this shit seriously. Of course Sup Forumscore has great albums but we'll shit on it anyway, for the lulz.

Not everyone who shits on Sup Forumscore is a troll. I've used Sup Forums for years, I can tell an obvious troll, from a subtle troll, to someone who genuinely is just hating as much as possible.

No, I can't tell it with 100% efficiency lol, nobody can. But you get used to the implied tone and wording of posters.

>being this much of a pleb
Seriously, just stick a knife into your eardrums.

This isn't Sup Forums though we aren't all here for the lulz. There are a good number of boards where epic memes aren't the only reason to go there.


Yep, it's summer alright.

Case and point your post.


Also, even if Sup Forumscore is entry level stuff, that doesn't mean it's all bad or mediocre.

I've been visiting this board for 5+ years, and the one who's acting like a newfag is you, moron.

boring repetitive summer shitpost is boring.

You can use Sup Forums to check out albums you haven't heard and give fuck all about anyone's opinion on anything, especially shit you already know. Getting salty because of opinions is as autistic ad it gets.

You bought it with you

So I am autistic because I don't ignore what other people around me say....hmmmm idk if you know what autism is there buddy.

>5+ years
By now, you should be listening exclusively to white noise, filtered through a Shermann, going through a Leslie. If not, you're an entry level pleb who will die a pleb.

Also, the last two years have been a downward spiral in this board's history thanks to faggots like you.

Who is getting salty over opinions?

Why I say Sup Forums has become as cancerous as reddit.

Sure, salt-man. Teh quality of the board has gone downwards because I encourage serious discussion.

I'm actually listening to Colin Stetson at the moment, and you?

I just don't get people like you. You complain about Sup Forums but you're the one who came into this thread and devolved it into idiocy.

Now it's just baiting and telling people to fuck off and pleb and etc etc. If this is all Sup Forums was, then it would literally just be Sup Forums with pictures of albums. But that's never all Sup Forums has ever been about.

I'm not anti-trolling, i've trolled myself, i'm sure every Sup Forums user has. But not being able to have a single serious thread without it devolving into this is kinda shitty.

>people are calling me out for acting like half wit?
>y-your all from reddit
step it up

>listening to tonal music

LOL kill yourself, faggot. I mainly listen to ambient sounds I record myself using a Royer SF-12.

*I do get people like you. You're just annoying lol.

Knock knock

Its me goku

oh yay, the 4 year olds have arrived.

rip thread.

this brings me back

Sup Forums used to be a place where we all obviously had a personal, in depth relationship with music, not a place where faggots try to reach a consensus and give their shitty opinions. Now it's just a bunch of faggots with posts that are literally indistinguishable from reddit posts.

Literally no one wants a consensus. That would be the worst music board ever.

>give their shitty opinions
That's all you've been doing retard.

Just spreading some daily hate. Gotta get back to work now but it was fun.

I agree with this.
I see Sup Forumscore as both a list of memes and a list of great albums. Although I don't enjoy all Sup Forumscore albums (e.g. Trout mas replica) but I also like a lot of the albums there.
P.S. There is literally nothing wrong with using Sup Forums core to find new albums/artists. Anyone who criticizes people for using Sup Forumscore is a pretentious elitist hipster.

Hows your summer job?
Do you help out at the local grocery store?

inb4 user lies about having a high-powered job when he is clearly retarded.

Before I leave I'd just like to say that Sup Forums is one of the better boards out there but the cancerous tripcode niggers are just sad.

No one defended trips in this thread, and no one ever will.

I'm actually a lawyer. I was actually taking a shit so I was just shitposting to pass some time.

Like clockwork, and he actually replied to the post predicting his lies.

Dude all edgy teenagers that come on here from Sup Forums act exactly the same, stop lying.

I'm on my phone and back on my desk. I kept the thread open. Anyway, I don't care if you believe me or not. I'm 33, a lawyer, small practice but still a lawyer. I'm studying to become a judge but I don't think I'll pass the exam anytime soon. Alas, I have to go back to work now. It's 15:45 and I didn't do anything today.

>shitposting as a time-passer

jesus christ dude you really should kill yourself

Jesus this reads like a bad fanfiction.
if you don't care stop replying.
Top tip: Boasting about your nonexistent high powered job to try to show how insignificant we all are to you does not make us think you dont care.

Bump to btfo hipsters

this +i think of both artists as somewhat average, though kanyes production does rise above consistently good pretty often

I agree strongly. You bring up The Beatles and people start to freak out. It all comes from insecurities. They want to be "special" and unique so they hold on to something "obscure." Yet they are really isolating themselves from others. The truest patrician thing to do is accept things as they come, keep searching.

Top post. Honestly couldn't agree more.

haha you dumb cunt

Jesus this is really sad. You're 33, putting this much effort into an argument on Sup Forums that started with you pointlessly shitposting.

I don't think i've ever come across a sadder specimen my whole time browsing Sup Forums

Why are Brazilians such rampant shitposters?

lets lift the veil on shitposting


I don't shit on the Sup Forumscore, but it is exhausting seeing the same albums on that chart over and over again when I've only enjoyed a couple. It makes me feel like I'm missing out. My favorite albums are all pretty unpopular here and sometimes I wish they were more well-known.

Still better than stralia.

I'm really tired, didn't do much today. Shitposting can be fun.

I got banned just now for posting a gif with a kid and a toy. Lel

>Royer SF-12
I record bats ans ostriches with a Nagra II, kys fag

Talking about stralia, here it is boys.

I agree it is exhausting. If you scroll up this thread, I actually wrote something about the over-saturation with Sup Forumscore on the board and how, in spite of this thread, the constant threads about the same albums is still annoying.


I thought Sup Forumscore was just entry to have a scope of the boards most discussed.

underage cunts

nice bruh.
how do judges get assigned in brasil?
in the states, federal judges need an appointment (which, from my understanding, is given pretty much just to federal or state prosecutors), while state judges could be elected or appointed, depending on the jurisdiction. but i don't think there is any other qualification (like an exam from the BAR).

word. my heart actually goes out to those guys a little bit, just because you don't end up doing that if you are a happy, psychologically healthy/clear-eyed person

YES YES! You understand!! Sup Forumscore brought us together and actually had us you know discuss music. Now we're all just shitting on each others bands to be LE OBSCURE MUSIC ELITE

In Brazil, you take an exam. A pretty fucked up exam in three stages: one multiple choice, second written and third oral. We have different exams for state, federal and a separate court for work related issues.

Some people are new to some albums and didnt get to be part of all the hype so they are basically just late to the party. For example Im one of the people always making AnCo threads because i fell in love with them this year

I find the need to have an identity here bizarre.

That is what Sup Forumscore is, but they became that "entry" because they were so popular in the spectrum of critical evaluation of music, that it was a logical place to start.

Your statement doesn't really undermine anything said in OP.

gall moth was cool tho