The love of my life just left me and I need some chill music to listen to while I tie my noose
Music to kill myself to
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Wildflower by The Avalanches
Oh no, my dude. There's more fish in the sea, and you know that. Here's some chill shit to cheer you up. You're a free man now, and it's hard to accept and to realize. Keep on keepin' on, my dude.
bumping for this feel [spoiler]pls dont do it op[/spoiler]
you should kill yourself, the only thing stopping you are basic survival urges that have nothing to do with the higher thought processes leading you to suicide. nonexistence may be preferable
Mr Bungle - Goodbye Sober Day
Leap off when it peaks
And the edgelord steps forward, knowing that his edginess would be mocked. But he did it anyway, and we should congratulate him for that.
Don't do it. My love of my life left me a month ago and hates me now.
I actually tried to kill myself a month ago too and spent a night at the hosptial.
IT's not worth it.
Please don't brah, it's already getting better and it's only been a month.
stream it fgt
OP dont let one bitch destroy everything youve worked for your whole life
Thanks fuckers appreciate the music, songs with lyrics would be appreciated
what the fuck is that
whatever you say normalfriend
That's Animal Collective's Painting With. It's a meme. If you want some good AnCo, Spirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished is your best bet. Also Merriweather Post Pavilion, for more of a poppy experience.
Also you're a man, not a woman. women ill themselves, men don't.
lul made me reply
here u go op
don't click these links OP. i'm from a suicide prevention service
i was in your place a month ago, friend. things will get better. i'm still in a pretty dark place, but listening to pic related on repeat will help with the healing process.
I'll check them out. Suicide has no gender.
Great song. I gotta watch that video again on acid
Don't do it OP, it's not worth it to waste your whole life for one girl. Believe it or not, things will get better, and years from now you may look back and be glad that you persevered.
Can't go wrong with Bobby D
OP I hope you didn't do anything, how are you holding up?
I'll be ok. The music helps
Awesome. I know it's tough, OP, but know that there are still people who care about you, and that even though we'll never know you we still want you to feel better
Good to hear bud. Stay strong, it's not worth it to end it over her.
I know it probably feels like the end of the world, but you'll recover.
would have never thought that someone would say something so nice on Sup Forums. bless you.
There's no point in constant negativity, even on a cynical, sarcastic website like this. When somebody's feeling down there's no reason to push them down further; kind words can go a long way.
If you're serious, remember man, there are thousands of people right now who are going through terrible times. Set an example for them. We survive no matter what. Just look around you.
Don't do it, senpai. At least not yet. Killing yourself the same day/week you start contemplating it is pretty dumb desu. Shit like this needs to be decided after being seriously meditated it for several months, maybe years.
There's a good chance that soon you'll see you have more reasons to stay alive.
If you don't find any and actually decide to go through with it remember that it doesn't make you a coward nor an evil person. Even though losing a loved one to suicide hurts like hell, your life belongs only to yourself. And contrary to popular belief suicide isn't easy, it requires tremendous courage. You don't need to die hating or feeling embarrassed of yourself. You deserve a peaceful death.
But seriously, bro. Don't do it, just wait.
4 out of 5 suicides are done by men
thanks for the words of encouragement and the music. I'm gonna sleep now. fingers crossed I don't wake up.
Thanks for powering through, user. Keep on trekkin' and know that we're here for you.
Just letting you know, I hope you live, and go on to do the beautiful things you are capable of. Sending lots of love from far away, user
When I kill myself I'm going to listen to Asleep by The Smiths
I'm going to die how I lived. Melodramatically while listening to pretentious music
You shouldn't kill yourself. Things will change, the climate of your life will be different.
But if you do, listen to Workin' on Livin' the Living by Modest Mouse.
But don't. For real. Just as a social experiment. Write down everything you love and hate in your life. Write down what a typical day looks like for you. Then wait two years and do it again. Just two years. You can always kill yourself later. After two years, if everything is the same, then go for it. But i guarantee you it won't be.