Name a better rapper than Tyler joseph
Protip: You can't
Name a better rapper than Tyler joseph
Protip: You can't
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Haven't you gotten tired of making these literally retarded threads yet???
We all know it's just you doing it.
He blatantly stole Andre 3000's style.
I can tho
what an asshole
we should all stop listening to his music out of protest!
Tyler rocks it better though
Tyler fucking sucks
Andre 3000 is a better rapper in every single aspect.
aphex twin
>boring, repetitive beats
>stupid "lol so randumb" aesthetic
>gay for eachother probably
>literally just noise/fart sounds
>they like young thug
>doesn't have the fastest drums
>dumb retard face
>stupid, nonsensical name
boards of canada
>sappy emotional pandering
>le "nostalgia :(((" meme
>a fucking leaf
twenty one pilots
>intriguing, introspective lyrics
>genuine emotion
>confuses plebs like fantano
>multiple genres, incredible skill with merging them
>real instruments
>hit singles
Proves that White people steal Black people's culture.
I can relate to that struggle. We are all one man.
Jason Aldean
Nigger shut the fuck up, Andre is one of the best rappers of all time. Tyler fagseph will never be on his level of rap skills or his influence on the genre. Twenty one pilots is music for edgy teenagers who "aren't like the rest of the crowd!". Guarantee you have never even heard of an Outkast song other than Hey Ya! or even an album for that matter. Go back to Tumblr you fucking bitch.
>Everybody copping Gary Wilson's style
I thought his name was Blurryface
is this the patrician top song?
Ayy lmao
He's pro Faggot too.