What the fuck is Emo's obsession with summer?
What the fuck is Emo's obsession with summer?
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idk, but the new Pity Sex album won't shut the fuck about it
>my mom died in mid june
>you are my september
I still really like it though
It's the only time they have to write songs because they have to go back to high school in the fall
Bruh have you heard TCILAFOF?
It's gotta be one of the most nostalgic, midwest summer emo albums I've ever heard in my life.
It makes me sad I didn't grow up in fucking Wisconsin
theres no school in the summer and emo is quite honestly a genre for angsty teens
People are usually off in the summer, and that's when a lot of socializing happens. That, and summertime sadness, I guess.
You just don't go to work/school and have a shit tonne of time to think or whatever
I could write why, but Summer is nostalgic, and probably the only time in ones life when one is actually really free, during the most formative times in someone's life.
I could understand.
basically this
they want to capture that feeling of being a teenager during that time because what can be more emotional than that
>I still remember who i was last summer
Yeah, the best Emo/Screamo album of the year
Such an album
Not a single one of their songs has the word "summer" in it.
Adults don't get summer vacation. You'll understand when you graduate
>Where we exhaled our last breath and watched the summer fade to blackness.
You have to admit though, it's got a serious "summer" feeling to it.
I'm not complaining. I love the summer feelings of Emo. it brings me back
ecksdee! great joke friend :) it's not like the theme of the songs are about being in high school and whatnot huh?
gonna have to snag that of mice and men pepe
Is that a bad thing?
I always got a more autumn vibe from it
especially albums like American football and the track "the summer ends"
Some twinkly emo makes me think of Fall, but I think a lot of it sounds like Summer.
>Clever Girl
>Not music for a crisp fall afternoon walking a college campus in the bright light and orange tones of the trees
Once you leave high school , assuming you mature and actually grow as a person, you will start to see that that time of your life is relatively unimportant and far from being significantly emotional, memorable, noteworthy etc.
>You have to admit though, it's got a serious "summer" feeling to it.
What do you mean?
Songs are light, airy and bright, and toned by optimism and hope. There's a lot of stuff that makes you feel like a kid about to launch his wagon off the roof (You will never go to space, Ultimate Steve), and to me, that says "Summer time"
Plus the cover just kinda invokes summery feels
>being sad you didn't grow up in the midwest
seriously, count yourself lucky.
That's such a cringy ass name holy shit
Everything about them is cringy. They're a tumblr band after all.
Same here. I always think of the crisp air at fall a high school football game where you're a freshman and you see the junior girl who's so mysterious and beautiful sitting three rows in front of you in the stands and you want to talk to her but your friends ask you to go get them hot chocolates instead.
It's a time for loneliness, melancholy, and being alone with your thoughts. It's also the time for reflecting on your failures in school (e.g. being too much of a coward tell that girl you liked her even though you had a prime opportunity to).
I was really sad during my summer as a 15 year old.
>I was really sad during my summer as a 15 year old.
I remember that summer. Sitting in my basement so scared, so worried, so confused as to why all this change was happening to me and what it meant. Why people scared me or bored me, why I couldn't leave this musty shitty basement.
my only friend was music. Same summer I got diagnosed with OCD. Fuck that summer when I abandoned everyone
We get it your sad
>over the age of 20
>listening to emo
I shiggy doo
>using 6 years old memes
It's about summer ending you dunce
I always thought this album felt a lot like summer
summer is emo as fuck
>tumblr band
what the fuck does this even mean?
I think they write good music anyway.
I am almost positive you can accurately distinguish old emo from new by what seasons they represent. The old, more hardcore emo was all about autumn and winter and the new, faggy emo is always about spring and summer.
Post the only albums that redeem the 'emo revival' thing.
this is the only other good one so far
this looks like the music would be so fucking generic it actually kinda pisses me off
Completely turns screamo on its head tbqh. pg.99 couldn't write riffs this good.
>this utter garbage
>better than pg.99
fuck off youll live
document 8 has like 2 good songs, they're actually terrible
They're a band that writes music that appeals to tumblr's demographic.
16-20somethings. Pity Sex's music is often times moody and angst filled. This is tumblr's whole stick
their second album is very wintery
These dudes.
if a band is signed to Run for Cover and isn't Tigers Jaw (first two albums only), they are guaranteed to be shit.
Run for Cover is a pretty alright label, yeah they're "tumblr~y" and more in their feelings but if you're into emo it's a pretty solid label.
Also Charmer is Tigers Jaw's best work.
don't ever change, emo baby
Charmer is one of the few 'emo' albums that have made me literally cringe from the lyrics.
the way Ben sings "shout them out from top of twin peaks" on Nervous Kids is awful. Brianna is terrible and should never sing beyond harmonies.
Charmer is a piece of shit jesus.
I'll admit Ben isn't the best singer but I think the lyrics they have on that album are some of the best they've made, like Softspoken feels almost self aware of emo/twee and it's culture, idk. To each their own.
What's your favorite emo album user?
Both cap'n jazz and Moss Icon anthologies, I think they sum up the old and new of emo pretty well.
I like newer stuff too, I just think most of it is ham-fisted. Algernon and BLA are probably the best, but Algernon has been around since the millennium started and Brave Little Abacus was only considered emo postmortem.
14 year old tumblr girl music
all bands signed to that label will never go anywhere further because they are stuck in that teen realm
>didn't have many friends in high school or good memories
>don't really care for summer
Wew lad, I guess emo isn't for me
>14 year old tumblr girl music
thats arctic monkeys and 21 pilots, not the bands on RFC. i dont even care for any RFC bands but still
>The Wonder Years
>Title Fight
Are all successful alumni but I do agree with you saying them being teen girl core, especially with artists like Teen Suicide etc.
I was the same but emo makes me feel like I can live through their summery chants
Cap'n'Jazz is tight af
Because if you don't have any friends summer fucking blows. Especially if you have shitty parents that kick you out of the house all day. When school is in session you have interaction and such, but summer is lonely. Also, of the many times i've moved summer was when we drove across country to a new place where you knew no one. :(
Have you ever been to one of these band's shows? I mean, most of them are better than their fanbase but Jesus. It's literally all teenage girls talking during songs, shrieking, etc. Even the bands can't stand them from the ones I've talked to.
>le real adult meem
>skipped prom and graduation
>no serious friendships
>didn't live near the middle of the woods or some other artsy place to pontificate
>summers were just wasting away time except without added hassle of schoolwork
Why were the emo kids so upset anyway?
I was giving alumni off of RFC that have been successful. None of those bands are emo even
i saw basement and turnover once, but they were definitely way older than 14 and didnt seem very tumblr
Emo is for crying in your old high schools parking lot to.
I saw Basement too. They're fuckin' old.
never go to an Adventures, Modern Baseball, or Teen Suicide show. the worst.
What do you think it feels like to be in a band, writing songs that come from your heart, and have only teenage girls and such come to your shows? You think they start to accept it after a while?
they dont write songs that "come from their heart" they write angsty teen oriented songs, so it would make sense that the majority of their fans are teen boys and girls
well the first two bands write songs specifically to appeal to that audience, they obviously hate their fanbase but they just want money.
Teen Suicide is weird because they don't seem to give a shit about money, yet they attract the worst fans.
I guess that if you write music that attracts teenagers you probably don't have a problem with attracting new teenagers then
I guess as someone who doesn't really give a shit about making money off music it doesn't really sit well with me, but I suppose for people like those bands it's just like having a job and you just do what'll pay you the most
Which was a better Emo album: This or Whenever, If Ever
not emo
TWIABP had that EP which was pretty good so they win. Neither of those albums are anything special.
>not emo
Whenever by a mile
being a girl any time
im a female and i feel pretty empty and emotionless all the time except when i am using heroin
damn cutie u in london
no sorry bb
fucking slag dont talk to me desu
is Tigers Jaw good?
im full all the way with negative emotions unless im high on weed or kratom
Hey girl, you in the Midwest?
fucking exactly this desu. i specifically think of homecoming at the field near my high school, when school's started recently and everything's super novel and exciting because you're so young
i think its for the sake of nostalgia
WOAH that's a relatable feel
I think
Whenever if ever is extremely better
Kinda but not emo so.
A good majority of emo is autumny though
It was speedballs for me but I'm three years clean and I kinda stopped listen to Emo for the first time in my life soon after