what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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>this kills the kanyefag
MBDTF fucking sucks, and I don't understand why Sup Forums can't see this. It's essentially a generic pop-rap album. But you fuckers pretend to like it because Pitchfork gave it a 10.
>But you fuckers pretend to like it because Pitchfork gave it a 10.
but Sup Forums liked it before the review was released.
Mbdtf 10/10
Lil Boat $/10
Yachty > Kanye
>caring about Kanye
>caring about Fantano
Gee, sure is 17-19 year olds in here
LAWL, howd you know?
>the average Kanyefag on Sup Forums
lel lil yachty is is the the best thing in hip hop music atm
6 is accurate for mbdtf but im guessing the lil yachty album is like a 2 or 3 without even needing to listen
>all those downvotes on the MBDTF review
damn Kanye fans are salty about opinions
>15 mins in.
This is much better than Anthony Fantano's review
the comments on the mbdtf review are so autistic
"FUCKOUTTAHERE FANTANO!!!!!........this review doesn't bring down this album's greatness but it only shows that you're a mediocre music critic. This is the greatest record of the 21st century and you give it a 6, a fucking 6!!!... you should revisit this record and give it a retrospective review, this is such a disgusting sight to see!!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!"
i really like mbdtf, but damn lol
I think it's moreso because Fantano spends a good majority of the review heavily praising the production, some of the verse and the general sound, and then says "I don't get it because I don't keep up with Kanye, and I feel I need to to understand this album. Light 6."
Like if you don't like the album then whatever but the way he described it throughout the video didn't make it come off as a Light 6.
MBDTF didn't have a Young Thug feature that's why
I don't think you know what generic means
MBDTF is Kanye's worst album and Lil Boat is the 2nd best mixtape of the year so far after iiiDrops
this was a great review. idiot.
the kanye fans have arrived!
fuck off digibro you fucking pedo
you just confirmed what he said about you
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac is better than any song that Kanye has ever made.
i guess the bernie bros thing was true
totally not only in it for the reaction pic
enjoy your (you)
actual footage of actual bernie supporters giving their actual opinions
>Fleetwood Mac
>Better than anything
enjoy your hideously chubby black god you cucky pleb
rollin with this super cute juliana hatfield video:
This is pretty good, it gives me some new views on the album. I can probably start digging it in that sense of how he's analyzing it, but I would still not enjoy it musically so I probably won't start liking it anyways.
what is this shit some kinda gay community spoonfeeding channel where people stop liking EPs if they hear a wrong number?
youtube is for absolute faggots. rap confirmed for white boy music.
huge Ye Stan and yes I agree. MBDTF is probably my least favorite album of his
roll because no gf or even any friends that are girls or any friends at all
what he meant is he enjoyed listening to yachty more than kanye
tonights the night
I didn't know John Lennon was a weeb.
Digibro likes fucking Kill la Kill
What you expected of him.
you didn't? not even after Yoko Ono and May Pang?
dreams is also better than any kanye song
rollying in
They see me rollin
Not quite as "professional" but I prefer this review to Fantano's
rolan in shit thread
The reviews were made years apart as his opinions changed. Its completely unfair to compare a review in 2010 with a review in 2016.
With that said, fuck Lil Yachy and his shitty music.