What's your album of the year?
And worst album of the year?
What's your album of the year?
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>What's your album of the year?
Tie between the last radiohead and First Fragment - Dasein
>What's your album of the year?
None of your damn business you fucking obnoxious faggot. God I hate you all.
>And worst album of the year?
Whatever your favourite is. Faggot.
AOTY: Radiohead
WAOTY: Wiz Khalifa or Macklemore
But what if I don't have a favorite??
Dose that mean you hate yourself??
>album of the year
Pinegrove - Cardinal
>Worst album of the year
Wolfgang Gartner - 10 Ways To Steal Home Plate
or the new Macklemore, or Beyonce.
Best: Eraser Stargazer - Guerilla Toss or Bottomless Pit
Worst: The Life of Pablo - Kanye West
Yea I guess it does fucker, what now?! Fucking feeling good about yourself? Dickhead, choke on a knob.
>or Beyonce
Hey Marcel!
AOTY right here
I don't have a "worst", if I don't like something I just forget about it
WAOTY: Jake Bugg's On My One, listened to it on a recommendation and it is easily one of the worst of the decade
Why you are so mean?
Probably that fucking Macklemore record.
yeah because marcel is the only person capable of disliking lemonade.
It's a shit album.
I've been nice all my life, but nobody cared who I was until I became rude
So you want attention?
If you love 8 bit low quality chip music, this one is a true highlight.
At least it was my personal highlight so far.
A moon shaped pool
The glowing man
The life of pablo
AOTY: Deak's Sleep cycle, AMSP or Teens of Denial. I'm really torn desu.
WAOTY: Lil Yachty was really really bad. I tried listening to it twice but it was si danb bad
Will please leave
AOTY: Bottomless Pit, Plays the Music of Twin Peaks, and We Be All Africans got me split
WAOTY: Views from the Cheesecake Factory
Guided by Voice's Please be Honest
The fucking Star Wars album was terrible
>A Moon Shaped Pool
Not because it was incredibly good or anything, just because I listened to 5 albums released this year.
>I dunno that shitty vaporwave album or blurryface
this but the absolute worst shit I heard this year was the new Flume album, the new Car Seat Headrest album, and the new Babyfather/Dean Blunt album. all of those are 3/10 or lower (and I really love Dean Blunt).