Post an album you used to hold highly that you now find bad or mediocre
Your favorite album
i've found that having a favorite album is pointless unless you purposefully decide to hinder yourself from listening to new music
How did you come to dislike Animal Collective, it usually goes the other way in that you come to love them.
Don't have one, back to the topic
I immediately liked postflux or whatever, and then listened to their other works. I liked them all. Then, I kinda drifted away, for what ever reason, and came back. I honestly find most of their work mediocre, kind of angst teenage stuff, which I am bored with. They got standouts though.
Peacebone is the worst Animal Collective track that was ever created
Impossible since FloriDada is just a worse version of it.
That bait isn't spicy enough
FloriDada is actually good though
That's not Whaddit I Done
should I listen to this album?
got time? sure
no? get back to work bitch
I feel this
FTWHH was always my favorite though
What is postflux?
With lyrics like "hop to the dance, or embarrass the parents" how can you call them angsty?
how in the world are anco teenage angst-y at all
Eh only slightly
man I had this on loop back in the day. First 3 songs are still killer
I don't know what happened. I grew out of neo-psychedelia as a whole and find most of the genre unlistenable besides a few songs.
Pretty much every Five Finger Death Punch album, I used to be a fan of everything they released. I grew out of it, realizing how every song sounded the same and how shit it was. Thank God.