>>>Sup Forums79199013

Sup Forums in charge of knowing other music than rammstein and shitty marches

o i am laffin

are there really this many racist europeans?

yeah pol is shit what do you want


please don't talk about containment boards outside of containment boards


>this shit is pretty cash

>thats not mus picture.

Why are you surprised?

You know what to do Sup Forums

No, not nearly enough

What is with the extreme right's fascination with Eastern Europe? Honest question, I never got why.


They have a pretty good taste actually. They also made a /lit/ thread it and was pretty comfy.

They need to listen to real music like James Ferraro, Kendrick Lamar, Ariel Pink, Mac DeMarco, Sweet Trip and Grimes

yeah because rammstein is so cash right?

The numbers are growing like vermin

It's alright.


no muslims

that's it

very homophobic and xenophobic

No muslims no problems.

i'm not surprised that the edgiest board likes the edgiest music.



>referencing Sup Forums on the board with the single largest reddit admixture
what did you think would happen?

>witcher 3

fucking lmao

As if 90% of Sup Forums aren't currently cross posting on r/the_donald right now.

Come now, son.

>10+ Grimes threads at any given moment now
>Implying Sup Forums has any better taste in music anymore

grimes is fucking terrible but its better than rammstein video game music and "epic marches"

visions was a decent album at least

yeah but those are ironic for the most part

i've started a few threads myself and i never heard a single song of hers

100 percent*

All white-supremacy aside I think we have to acknowledge that one thread on Sup Forums has a wider representation of genres and styles of music than every thread on Sup Forums combined...

This is a sad day. I miss the old Sup Forums


>genres: 19th century marches, videogame music, rammstein



Sweet Trip is good desu

Speak for yourself. /r/the_donald wishes they drew the crowds of yours truly.

if Sup Forums looked anything like that thread i'd rather use reddit


t. a fascist

if you lurk in any general for more than 5 minutes you'll be greeted by some decently knowledgeable people

kek nice try

anti-fascist actually
did you see the anti there? that means that i am a good guy and i fight fascists.

but nice try kiddo.

>yeah but those are ironic for the most part

i don't even know anymore

All dat folk music tho...

>he has become the evil he sought to destroy
shouldn't have fallen for the Sith meme, friend.

gypsy folk is shit anyway kek

I dunno my man. Grimes was there...

>video game music

nigga you serious?

Both sides are as bad as one another, the rallying cry of the wet liberal.

fascists are subhumans that must be erradicated from the world

>discounting any and all music made by 'gypsys'
>gypsy- a member of a traveling people with dark skin and hair

I can't really spot the difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums anymore