Who agrees? Just to know.
Most overrated band of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
Led Zeppelin
The problem isn't Radiohead. Its Radiohead fans. They can be excruciatingly pretentious, Not all of them but a good percentage.
Agreed. But I also think Radiohead is overrated. My honest question is: what do they represent? Maybe I'm missing something, dunno! Just explain to me their role in history. Please! I'm not even a native English-speaker, so I can't understand 100% of their lyrics when I listen to them (is this the problem?). I basically rely on what I hear and this is what results to me:
>yeah nice pop songs
(why don't people see that their most successful pieces are 100% pop and the real experimental stuff is not that good?)
>his voice easily becomes boring
(I once heard him live playing his solo project Tomorrow's Modern Boxes and his voice was fitting much better for electronic music! His voice is not made for rock.)
>albums are ok, but... fuck, I've heard way better stuff in my life
So, can you answer my questions?
You don't get it. Read this.
Disagree. I think they've earned their place at the top by being one of the most inventive and consistent bands of the past 20 years.
sent ;)
>Actually calling something overrated
Typical elitist cunt on Sup Forums.
I lack any redeeming qualities so in order to avoid suicide i tell myself that i have 'good taste in music' which is the same as saying 'my opinions are truer than yours' so I get final judgement on how good something is because my opinions are objective facts
Argument this statement.
Fuck you, piece of idiotic shit.
He gave his argument. They are inventive and consistent. OP gave 0 argument.
No one/everyone/somwhere in between
Modest Mouse. Radiohead is accessible and weird so it's a comfortable spot.
What have they done that's inventive lol
>doesn't read threads
>who agrees
you're allowed to have an opinion even if other people disagree. you don't need to verify that there are people who think like you, it doesn't validate your opinion in any way
Lol did you even read what the fuck he said
When will this meme end
You imbeciles are arguing about tastes
on a board
where the most popluar thread is kpop
why the fuck would put in your email ? You're in for it now boi
listen, not for one minute only, some of their last album like in rainbows, or king of the limbs. Like, with some real interest, and not with shit in your mind. I personally feel relaxed and meditating. And happy. Dont listen to their first album
Ok, thank you, this is an acceptable answer. I know those albums but I'll give them a second chance.