her next album is going to be a vaporwave album
its going to follow the same theme as her other albums where it's mostly cathartic venting mixed with songs written from a point of view of a character.
her next album is going to be a vaporwave album
its going to follow the same theme as her other albums where it's mostly cathartic venting mixed with songs written from a point of view of a character.
it's going to be from the point of view of an ugly little goblin. it will be autobiographical.
be nice to grimes or u'll get hurt son
*unsheathes katana*
*turns all your weapons into ash*
don't mess with grimes, kid
I think shes freaking out because shes realising she doesn't like sex as much as 99% of humans on this planet. and is more into the idea of it than the reality. I'm pretty sure she broke up with her boyfriend when he said "love is knowing some things lost" and has been dating that hanna girl for the last fue months but its a weird relationship because she views her as a "more perfect grimes". I think she might be having sexual problems and blaming it on managers and the literal world. My diagnosis is she needs to have a brake.
you are pathetic
Nah Grimes loves sex. Trust me, I know.
lots of "alternative people" get to about 27 and realise all this scene stuff they have been into since late teens was really a cover story for not following real desires and dreams etc. Its actually very common ask any of your last 20s hipster friends. happens all the time and especially with girls who are conditioned by society to think they should be having porno level sex from 18-19 onwards. they get to 30 and realise they haven't actually been doing the stuff they are attracted to and have just been doing it because as a society we are told that a girl that "has it" should "use it" and "have fun" when really there is lots and lots and lots of beautiful girls in their twenties having a lot of intense sex and feeling alive but not really loving it. if you wonder why so many hipster girls are so hostile and bitchy this is the exact reason. No content person needs to constantly identify how feace they are as a female and how they can do any thing sexual with out guilt to or with any one. like we all know this we all know people like this and for years and years you have these girls telling every one how much fun they are having and how its not "naughty but progressive" and then one day they wake up and realise the real dirty authentic realtionships that they thought they where having where tame and their father and girlfriends and friends have been slutshaming them the entire time and they never truly "escaped" people who are rebels are often the most "wipped" by their parents etc.
dont mess with grimes
like lets be realistic here for a second. Grimes tweets from her family dinner table still and shes 27. I know its customary to treat girls like girls till 30 and guys are expected to act like men as soon as they hit 20 and we "let" girls not age but shes 28 dude. she has seriously developmental problems for one shes stoped being "challenged" by others as soon as she got pitchfork big and A4D got behind her she got flown out of her community away from most of the people that defined her identity and got surrounded by people that hammered this feminism agenda into her brand constantly. she doesn't fucking like feminism she was like that from the very start if you look at early interviews she says she thinks feminism is negative if any thing shes Nonbinary but the brands shes asosiated with haven't let her express that more. pitchfork doesn't despite what you think want articles that imply women are allowed to be dominant. and it knows a large percentage of its reader base is impressionable collage or late highschool who are very pro female pleasure no matter the cost and would find the very idea that grimes isn't actually a submissive person offensive to their entire fake identity they have made up and held on to thru collage to constantly remind them if they don't get a real job they will still be "desirable" and get free love and money later in life.. grimes isn't like this breed of feminist at all but 99% of her fans think that's what shes all about because that's what pitchfork and stuff pushed..
Interesting proposal, user.
Now then. Chew you havisfaction singlicious satisfact to snack that up?
What seems to be the much more likely scenario: Claire loves sex, but broadcasting it for everybody to see is a pretty creepy thing to do. Keep in mind the tiny gap you see into her life, it's really kind of impossible to juxtapose anything she doesn't want out there. The James is a backyard ricardo is just memeing, there's no real substance to it.
Making this extrapolations like this is not productive.
>someone took the time to write all this
the reason grimes goes on and on about being cartooned and misinterpreted is most people think shes about female impowerment in a traditional way as in they like grimes because if they cut their hair like her they can go out and date guys and use them and not be worried when they brake their hearts for having a traditional hetro relationship that they don't really care about and are just "exploring pleasure" grimes isn't like that and its really obivouse but for some reason its become what shes known for for being the modern day happy go lucky "girl bitch" like. just pay attention to the things grimes actually says and does and don't just worship her brand and image and you realise very quickly that her real brand of female empowerment isn't about "not feeling guilty about being submissive" its about establishing relationships where the sub and dom thing doesn't take place but pitchfork hates that idea because they are mostly guys or very fresh girls that don't want to even consider queer sex as a option let alone the preference of one of their "cultural" leaders. Grimes life prob has been negatively effected by the agenda of fans and reporters who think rallying behind her is rallying behind some collective mindhive of 3rd wave feminism but 3rd wave feminism wasn't even in fullswing when she started she was before it she was technically before rookiemag and the fact most of that movment is based around girls in their 20s wanting to feel like teenage girls again is totally some thing grimes wouldn't approve on at all because shes smart enough to know that ALOT of thous girls have done horrible heartbraking stuff to "mainstream guys" in their teenage years and think they will cleanse them self from that guilty by buying some new clothes and pretending to be a hipster like. that's not what grimes is about at all and she HATES that but its too brutal for her to say because she knows it will brake all her fans hearts who use her as justification.
lay off the adderall, kid
She's been very vocal about her dislike for the way popular culture oversexualizes everything and is making a concerted effort to cultivate a distinctly a-sexual popstar persona as a result (which I personally think is awesome.) But make no mistake - a prude she is not.
>What particular trauma was ‘Be A Body’ about?
>'That’s one of the only happy songs on the album. It’s about physical existence, and sex, and being alive. I’m really opposed to phones, I’m opposed to checking my email. I just think it’s really unflattering that everyone’s always on their computer. ‘Be A Body’ is about physical, sensual existence and about having physical pain and pleasure. It’s about existence. As pretentious as it is, it’s based on a Thomas Aquinas quote where he was trying to talk about how in Medieval Christian thought everyone was super into ‘fuck my life, my physical body is a horrible thing and a representation of sin’, and there’s a passage where Aquinas said “Be a body” and i just thought it was so sick, so bad-ass that he would just say that, just give that straight-up imperative. He was a hip guy.'
like grimes is actually authentic as they come she was a tool and one perfect circle fan who was a punk in highschool and became a goth and then became a fashion nerd and then only then became a hipster. people literally think being like grimes is being 3rdwave feminism and if you ask me that's why she cut her hair recently and why shes freaking out so much.. she realises what all this has lead to and is desperately thinking of a way out yes it will make her new material interesting but the fact remains that pitchfork and nylon and rookie and the other hiveminds that "justify sex" on the internet are still going to want to worship her in a way she doesn't think is very authentic or nice to men or boys. like Grimes is a tomboy and being a tomboy isn't some thing that exists any more and its because a entire generation has been told its ok to not love guys but love them. and sadly that message that a guy MUST love his girl but a girl doesn't have to has probably lead to a massive reduction in the lesbian population and a entire generation of closet girls who are confused why they want "cute" guys so bad. its a huge problem and frankly I think grimes is the kind of person that would want to fix it but she knows its a uphill battle to tell a entire generation that its ok to Love girls and its ok to admit that you really don't like guys and you don't need to adopt a persona of a hipster to have fake relationships with men and feel safe that you can "leave when ever you want" later in life. like. that's a incredibly negative message and unfortunately some people at rookie and in fashion and some other places have pushed that VERY VERY hard for the last decade and if I'm honest way I think its because alot of the staff at rookiemag had a sexual crush on Tavi and alot of the staff reporting on Grimes had a sexual crush on Grimes that was lesbian based and there is hordes of these girls now that don't want to admit that both of these girls are essentially transsexual.
just like lots of guys are afrade of geing gay because they know they will be the bottom lots of girls who are gay are afrade of beign gay because they know they will be the top. it is actually a huge problem in "the scene" today. beacsue its become accepted for a guy to do any thing really but there is still this problem that women are expected now to be just as good but are still seen as taboo if they have any dominant feelings and its seen like its a "waste of their beauty" ask any one lots of people the first thing they will say about a girl having a crush on another girl is that shes ugly. its the hatespeach of women against other women because just as Sup Forums might be full of homosex Rookie and Nylon and Highfashion and Pitchfork and Tumblr and lots of other places are full of alot of sad people generally female who are trying there very best to justify the relationships they are having with guys and justify why they are going so badly with out admitting its because they don't actually enjoy it and just want "more" but as a culture we haven't yet made the advances to admit that ultimate using a condom is about the same as a strapon.
if your worried that being gay will ruin your life imagine how it feels for a girl that's beautiful that's getting all this attention from guys but deep down wants some thing different. I really think this was part of grimes original message but its been lost in all the people getting excited by her. no one wants to admit she isn't a typical girl any more they want to say she IS the typical girl. that we should all be like her.. with out actually giving her the time of day to explain herself or her life or her view on what's right and wrong. we just assume her view is the same as her fans. its really not. ive met her before. a long long long time ago. She isn't this "idea" of female empowerment that every one thinks she is. she's the total reverse of that and ALOT of people don't want you knowing that because it stops them selling you their brand of culture... and that's why shes so mentally upset lately. IMO.
not reading this
just why user?
this is creepy user
because her career is about to fall apart and no one wants to admit this is exactly why..... no one wants to actually admit what she cares about to the point shes not allowed to care about it any more and is just getting asked the same questions and presented the same way over and over again. she prob wanted JayZ to pop her so she had some thing to fight again and even he bend down. shes not getting the creative support she needs and its because her fans are using her as a excuse to have one sided heartless sex and she doesn't want to be remembered only for that. best way to change that is fuck yourself up I guess. But that's the problem with fame if she trys to change her message too much now she might be rejected by the institutions that "thought" they got her.
Every time I briefly come back to Sup Forums there's a thread like this and it's almost always about grimes and i realize why i left
what is going on
>ive met her before
>because her career is about to fall apart
what makes you think this?
btw are you anime james
twenty one pilots are better than grimes
an user is shitposting that grimes is having an identity crisis over how she feels she's the root of girls pretending to fake orgasms or some shit. also she's a lesbian.
alternative: it's james shitposting about his frustration with claire. if it's the latter, it'll be fine. u know she always gets this way at the end of her tours. be glad her hair isn't falling out again.
moral of the story is she didn't get to spread the message she wanted. that other people took control and decided what she was even thou she was doing every thing herself. that's the tragedy of grimes. and Claire Boucher knows it.
chill out claire holy shit
and that's not to the merit of 21 pilots. grimes is just shit so that's not a very high bar.
I'm not James I'm some one els. I don't want to talk about it. its personal and I'm still not totally sure what even took place. If any one whos day to day closer to the band wants to talk here or to me feel free to chip in I might not have it totally right but I think that's most of the stuff that's going on right now.
are you devon from majical cloudz?
that is probably the worst band name ever
they're also probably the worst band ever so i guess it's fitting
hi mike
why aren't you ever with hana when she goes with grimes? why aren't u like james, consistently at her side?
it's probably seb trying to spread lies about claire again.
don't reply.
This one is James
who is seb?
guy who made arbutus and co founder of lab synthese aka the primoridial pool of grimes
backstabbed her soon after Visions. Flesh Without Blood is about him.
no dude I'm not like one of her literal friends or ex lovers I'm more inoccent than that stfu I just hanged out with her in a diferent era ok.
dude some one died stfu don't gossip about the fucking lab
Underrated post
It's probably super infuriating for people to continue to sexualize and objectify grimes despite her attempts to reinforce against that shit.
no one backstabbed any one you retard some one committed suicide fuck off don't talk about grimes ex partners don't just assume ive fucked her because I'm talking about what I think her views on sexuality may or may not be. Some one fucking literally killed them self fuck off.
its not gossip, seb backstabbing claire is pretty well known.
there were multiple founders of lab synthese you morons.
if you hung out with her in a different era how do you claim to know so much about what's going on with her now?
fuck off fuck off I don't want to be associated with some faggot like you who is pretending they know shit about that because you read a wiki I didn't go to funking uni with her just stfu gossiping about some ones suicide is not cool and doesn't make you a music nerd you fuckhead.
confirmed NOT Mike or James, definitely a canadian.
the defensiveness makes me 100% think seb
this thread is making me feel very weird
weird's a word for it
it's not hard to become an asexual pop star when you look like shrek.
people die everyday biatch
being called cute really isn't an insult. it's the very opposite of reducing people to sexualization.
what's romanticised is the rare existence of a girl with an extraordinary amount of self respect.
families live with it everyday
i think this is actually grimes
No, you don't.
>because her career is about to fall apart
dude she is on top rn and there is still so much come out
What do you think is most likely?
Sex culture has been marketed since The Beatles mate, chances are it made you.
agree with this so much
I didn't get everything that user said so some things I feel aren't connected. I understood her feminist thing, at least.
And can you say us who you are? I mean even if you say it there's no way for you and us to 100% prove it. Unless you post a timestamp
I love Grimes
im only posting the qtest grimes
im gonna save this thread
It's being a really interesting thread and you're making quite the opposite effect on it
>u only love me when u think im looking sad
did we ever find out why grimes ran off stage at that show a few weeks back? i heard it was a death threat which most likely originated on Sup Forums
I need some information about her harsh noise record
no because it doesn't matter.
why did you delete your last reply tho, I get it if you want to stay anonymous but if you're trying to make a point about her because you "know her" then your posts have to make more sense for us to believe it
maybe it's your style of writing that makes it difficult to understand your post, it was a huge rant
concisely, what do you think is happening to her? is she losing it? I've started to think about that since watching this vid
b8 and you're also stupid as a cow
wait what is going on in this thread? first and last time I'm opening a grimes-thread, I'm scared
grimes thread = literally tumblr politics
>You will never hear more people tell you that you're wrong than when you're succeeding. After my album Visions came out, I spent a really long time freaking out because people were telling me that in order to take "the next step" in my career, I would have to become a much better "musician," that I'd need a backing band, etc. I now realize that (a) none of those people have music careers, and (b) I wasted a lot of time trying to do things I was told were "important for every professional musician" to do, without realizing that as a fan, I am far more interested in things that I've never seen before.
>The point is, listening to haters is pointless. People are judgmental about everything—often because they feel threatened. Ignore them. I think this applies to any business or creative thing, because tomorrow's world will not look like today's. Doing something different is probably better than doing the same things that other people do.
grimes is rly cool and right
delete this
Man, first time in a grimes thread, this is like /jp/ lite, you should be ashamed that this little girls life is your main area of discussion, this is a fucking music board.
>this little girls life
This """little girl""" is the queen of Sup Forums. That's why we discuss her here.
I like her music and yeah, I think she's pretty cute too, like 8/10.
i think this is the creepiest grimes thread so far
10 post rant about Grimes and ... something.
I'm seeing her tomorrow at Roskilde festival. I might show her my balls.
>pic timestamp related
I don't see that as creepy, is just someone who knows/knew her ranting about her, though sometimes I couldn't understand his/her point, I'm sure he/she was on adderall or something
I find more creepy the posts about fucking her or stuff like that
>I find more creepy the posts about fucking her or stuff like that
>manu manu manu (ha-ha-ha)
>manu manu manu (no-no-no)
What did she mean by this?
t. ricardo
so who do you think he/she was?
my options
So you mean