ITT: 10/10 Pop albums
ITT: 10/10 Pop albums
anyone else fapped to this cover art
any album with kill v maim on it can't be less than 9/10
True. I would also the obvious masterpiece REALiTi. You can't make a more perfect pop song than this.
>inb4 the demo version was better
more like 0/10, jesus christ
Jesus Christ is not here.
>this album is 0/10 because i'm a huge pleb and can't get into patrician pop
I am always with you, my child
For realsies though, if I like Emotion, what else should I listen to?
Only right choice in thread
I love album art like this
Anything LP released on Sarah Records
Marina's debut, tegan and sara's sainthood
Hey, if you've deluded yourself into buying this hot garbage then good for you I guess
little daylight, the colourist, smallpools, owl city, dresses, misterwives
I want her to sit on my face.
this isnt pop or mainstream you retards
>hot garbage
You're deluded if you that's hot garbage. Prove it.
>Not recognizing "Easily" as being EASILY the best song on that album
She's qt but her music is so generic
haha, no
Seems a bit pointless to post albums that everyone here has heard as if they're some undiscovered modern classics.
I don't get why people don't like this album 2bh
Her thoughts about Hollywood and the American Dream or whatever are hackneyed as fuck. She writes like she's blowing all our minds with the idea that celebrities can be a bit shallow.
Oh, and her tracks suck as pop songs.
as much as i dont want to remember my teenage years, this is very much true.
I'm not big into pop, but these are the 3 albums I enjoy most and like them from beginning to end. If you have any recommendations please share.
This album got unlistenable after the first track.
The lyrics were so bad they gave me some vietnam flashbacks and also some WWII flashbacks
Nobody has said Pet Sounds yet jeez quit slacking Sup Forums
>caring about lyrics in a dream pop album
Lots of good pop albums here but is still the only 10/10
Good job OP
hah, obviously.
also, s/o to emotion. that album is indeed solid 10
great albums
shitty albums only popular because of waifuposting
>my favorite pop albums don't belong in the second category "shitty albums only popular because of waifuposting"
These albums are popular because they're great, retard.
This is like, one of their worse albums t b h
can't believe i like her music as much as i do
>She spoke words that would melt in your hand
Damn, that record was fun.
Woman hater detected :^)
>this hasn't been posted already
Sure is summer in here.
fuck the rest, it's shit
It's a coincidence that all albums from your second category were sung by women, faggot?
How did they go so badly wrong?
Barlights is incredible.
this was Sup Forumscore back in my day
the first japanese album by Girls' Generation
although I normally swap out Gee, Genie, Hoot etc for the korean versions
Because women aren't as strong musicians as men (as a rule)?
That's bullshit. You don't like music made by women, that's all. Music is subjective, there's no objectively better music.
slipknot is equal to mozart
Yes. There are just sounds. In universe there aren't good or bad sounds, they'all have equal importance. Humans are led by subjective reasoning. Some may like Slipknot more than Mozart, or viceversa, or both equally.
Mozart is not objectively better than Slipknot, people in general decided Mozart better than Slipknot (consensus). They like his music more. Like = subjectivity.
slipknot are shit m8
I don't disagree. But it's a matter of taste. They're shit to you and me but not to others. This is what I want to highlight: the subjectivity of judging music. That means that all music discussion is mostly pointless. If you hate a certain set of sounds (say a Slipknot song) that doesn't mean it's bad objectively. They're just sounds.
>Music is subjective, there's no objectively better music
Fuck off with this meme, there are "subjective objectives" with music: things like complexity vs simplicity, harmony vs noise show that well. Not all music is good. Just because someone thinks it's good doesn't make it as good as someone widely acclaimed.
I'm not that guy btw, and I like the token women like bork and bush, but (for the same reason I don't like some of bowie's stuff) they usually put too much of a "look at me" into their music, whether that's in the lyrics, the production (listen to skunk aninse and hear how loud she is in the mix), or whatever. Also it seems to me that if a man had created the music that some women had made it would've been far less successful. it's the fact a woman made it which makes it special
Laura Branigan is severely underrated.
Forgot the image.
>you, being subjective but claiming to be objective
Fuck off
not really an album, but still 10/10