ITT: Albums where literally every song is perfect.
ITT: Albums where literally every song is perfect
>Albums where every song is terrible
Breed and Polly are meh
No wonder why that album was so successful.
Nevermind is a literal meme album.
Literally none of them. All albums are flawed in some shape or form. There is no such thing as a perfect album.
No shit idiot. This is an opinionated thread.
Hi, welcome to Sup Forums. You might find that things don't run like the rest of the internet here, you're not actually required to pretend Nirvana is a good or worthwhile band. We're all anonymous, so there's no pressure or stigma to conform to norms. No one will criticize you for your honest opinions if you can back them up with reasonable arguments.
Your opinion literally doesn't matter.
My nig
Wasn't the singer of this boyband married to Courtney Love? anyone know what he's up to now
It does in this board.
Nirvana was literally the last truly great, important band. But I forgot you're all special snowflakes who only listen to muh obscure rock and memerap.
So true
Pic related is by far the best album of the decade.
I ain't clicking that thumbnail you fucking faggot
Really any King Crimson release could probably go here, but Red has always stood out to me in particular.
Only works with spoilers, faggot.
fug u
God damn it, not again.
Wtf and no op
fuck that guy
the jews did 711
Fucking hell.
Here's your (you)
Aye aye
Immunity cat, where are you?
thanks for saving the thread
>El Scorcho
thanks immunity cat
Bazinga. Also, this album.
Just listening to this gem, confirming
Got me
This is subjective, but most people agree
Well fug.
Agree, pic related is also pretty much perfect.
I hate niggers
Oh shit
nice thanks inmunity cat
Don't you dare say otherwise.
Every songs on this album
>Nirvana was literally the last truly great
shitty meme
not risking it
(You) win this time
Nice meme
Just because they became famous, people dont want to like them anymore. But seriously, they were the reincarnation of rock and roll and nothing really good came up after. Kurt Cobain was a really great song writer. He took everything from the punk rock scene and took to a whole new level!
Hell no.
Please, this is an 18+ board.
Nevermind is fucking garbage besides a few standout tracks.
In Utero is the album you meant to post.
>Nevermind is fucking garbage besides a few standout tracks.
and those are?
just in case
In Bloom
Territorial Pissings
Something In The Way
I take back it being garbage, it's not too bad. Maybe I just prefer noisier Nirvana is all.
Maybe I want that to happen you don't know me
Infinity has a purpose even.
Polly, Drain You and Something in the Way aren't all that great
Breed is so awesome
I understand your point. I personally prefer noisier Nirvana too. I'm a huge punk rock hardcore fan, and I got into Nirvana after. I prefer In Utero and Bleach, but I have to admit that every songs on Nevermind album are great! Maybe more catchy or mainstream songs, but still fucking good.
not on my watch
Protip: It's their worst album
Bold opinion, what do you think is their best?