When is this shit gonna leak? And not the terrible russian mono bullshit quality one. Literally just a week before it's released and I've heard 0 news about a leak.
When is this shit gonna leak? And not the terrible russian mono bullshit quality one...
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Apparently it's supposed to be on NPR this Thursday.
It's coming out in 9 days, just hold on.
>wanting electro swing: the album
fuck off
>tfw this is true
>tfw it's almost been a whole month since Frankie Sinatra already
holy shit i need to do something with my life
who cares? it's gonna suck
yo la tengo :^) but i'm not going to upload it :^) :^)) (^:
fuck off to /daily/ and take your shitty forced memes with you
I am a little drunk.
Here's a reply.
Does anyone know the lyrics to Run DNA?
I don't believe you
Sent ;)
fuck off
what is this? i reversed image searched and nothing came up
single art?
where the fuck did you find this
Awful bait
It's on their twitter, along with the quote "Stitching Wildflower". twitter.com
Dunno what that means, unless Wildflower is getting another promo video or something
Man I'm loving the artwork for this album and its singles.
The "just wait " people can fuck off. It's been 16 years and the album drops in a little over a week. How come some Russian bullshit radio show can stream it, npr is supposedly streaming it and still no cdq leak?
>Mmm yes I must say Frankie Sinatra is indubitably one of the most sublime works of plunderphonic sound I have ever heard. What's that Madame? Electro swing? Heavens, no! That is the dirge of the lowly troglodyte. It is far from the purview of the masterful composers collectively known as the Avalanches.
>muh 16 years
You act as if no good music as ever been released in that time
Pure Avalanches waiting bullshit.
We'll get to the release day and the album will be delayed for another 3 years
here's your (you)
I'm just waiting for some chucklefuck to post a picture of their copy of the CD on twitter, and then be all "tee-hee, I couldn't leak an album you silly boys :3"
holy fuck i absolutely hate that shit. it's the worst trope of all hyped releases.
Thursday, June 30th, 10am
Be there or be square, goons.
(You may ask me a few Qs about my alleigance to this info, but I have to bail fairly soon. I won't bother with a tripcode cause it's 9am and this place doesn't get high traffic 'till the lunch hour.)
First things first, I'm an intern here. The scheduling for the albums we get to stream is fairly common knowledge once you've been on staff for a few months and I'm nearly on my way out for summer vacay so I figure, y'know, fuck it.
No faggot I'm not. I'm saying it's going to be streamed at least twice before it drops and still no leak. Also, 16 years in progress makes me think it would leak even sooner. Learn to read you....double nigger.
I can't snap any pics as I have no shifts lined up today and I sincerely thought that once those Russians got a hold of the album that they'd drop it in a higher quality once their bullshit joke played out but I guess that's why we're still at war with them, right? I have listened to the album in full only a couple times as it's caused a stir in our office and I can tell you guys that the higher quality will make a listen in your impressions of this album. I almost had to hold back tears when I saw you all willfully fucking up your expectations of this thing by enduring that shit-heap of a dumpster fire that was the 96kbps transcode. What the fuck, guys?
RAM didn't leak until the day before it came out, I remember people being buttmad as fuck about that one.
Sounds cool, man.
My favourite track is the closer, with Berman. Then again, I'm a total sucker for anything Silver Jews related, so can you really blame me?
hasitleaked tweeted about this thing coming very soon. was he talking about the stream?
About First Listen, for sure. Whoever runs that place is surprisingly connected with the industry. But that's another story for another time, I'm sure. I gotta head out now. Sorry I couldn't stay that long!
The stream will go up anywhere from 10am to 11am. Don't fling shit should it not publish on the dot. We aren't a site run by robots and none of our posts are queued.
Probably the shitty leak
thanks so much man.
>An album coming out on the day it's suppose to offends me
Like seriously man, what's up with that? I've always seen leaks as something cool that just happens, not something that is required of an artist to do to please their fans. They have no obligation to leak their album for you or anyone else.
This board is too young to understand Harry Potter memes
Is Frankie Sinatra on the album, because that song sucked dick?
No it's on the album in spite of it sucking dick.
Makes sense just trying to balance it out I guess.
There's an alternate shorter version on the album and the single version is a bonus track