Welsh doom edition
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Welsh doom edition
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Does anyone have a link to this album?
first for alberto barbosa
is a fucking cool cover
Wrong Old
Who /ignorantblyatcore/ here?
A year later and this still sounds pretty fucking baller lads
i haven't liked a symphony x album since v but that's just me desu ne
That pop-punk jump at 2:38 is the best thing I've ever seen
Who here is /kimcarlsson/?
Give me something rawer than this
how can slavs into slam and core
When you live in a shithole of a country like Russia you gotta let your aggression out somehow
mirin the traps and delts on that dude
slavs are angry all the time
i've seen gorillas less bestial than the average slav
Wonder what his gym routine is
They're natural orks
have you seen germans
>implying the average German isn't a pussy nowadays
i used to be roommates with a german guy
according to him Germaniggers sound pretty bland compared to slavshits
>implying the average german isn't mohammad nowadays
agreed, t*rks are pretty savage
Any other albums like this? Completely adicted to Towerblock in it.
I was looking for metal for the feel of being attacked by a duck
so I searched lyrical themes for 'birds' on metal-archives
and found some of the dankest stoner doom I've heard since Conan:
You got me there.
in the ass, raw
can you knowledgeable anons recommend me some bands that sound kind a prog/melodic with occasional good solos
Something like Dream Theater,Tool...
No Power metal and all that noise edgy bullshit (whatever the genre is called)
>No Power metal and all that noise edgy bullshit (whatever the genre is called)
Fear Factory, Facecast, ROTN, russian slam bands (any really)
No power metal.
No edgy noise metal.
>asks for shit like Tool and DT
>dares to call anything else edge
w e w
also, what you're looking for is called ''every DT clone ever''
you could find shit like this within like 5 minutes of googling, why did you come here
>noise edgy bullshit
Go back to bed, gramps.
Shadow Gallery
Dream Theater is prog metal (AKA "proge"). Most of the best prog metal will have elements of death metal, which I assume you want to avoid. However, if you do like DT, try listening to Symphony X.
edgy underage permavirgins not need apply
System of a Down is still top tier band
>it's a post is nothing but buzzwords episode
Reminder that this is obvious b8
don't reply to the nigger
Is the kind of thing the person who made that post would say unironically
Hey guys, I am looking for Intelligent Death Metal, none of that childish Satan, Torture, Death bullshit, but something someone with music theory knowledge and an arts degree can enjoy, please no edgy or noise bullshit.
>wanting to resurrect this meme
here my fellow compadre
everything that gets memed here is under my control
i watch them die, i control the flow
Thanks for serious replies.
Why the fuck everybody thinks that my post is bait? You faggots are here for too long. You think that everybody is baiting everybody. Jesus fuck grow up.
>acts like a cunt
>is into DT
wow didn't see that coming.
>under my control
>i watch them die, i control the flow
Is this you ?
Yeah I guess I should've admitted that you imbeciles are right that I was baiting you even when you are not right.
Come out of your own asshole for once.
sounds like you're just new, f a m
also what the shit, you can find similar bands with no effort at all, what's the matter with you
>he thought Vektor was a serious answer
top wew
Post what you're listening to
entry level nigger pls
illegal slamz
There is even a section on google dedicated to it
right here .i.
is Opeth screaming edgy bullshit?
opeth is very edgy and has made some of the worst music in the last decade.
looks cool, what is it?
>james labrie
>not cheese
this is bullshit
Hey I know, why don't we just go back to Black Sabbath you motherfuckers
dubs says so
I will never listen to Cannibal Corpse because a kid that bullied me wore their shirts in high school.
>looks cool, what is it?
I put it in the filename, it's Sexdrome - Grown Younger
It's pretty good desu
Timeghoul, Pestilence (later albums), the list goes on my friend...
right now
that wasme
no, i can see that, i mean stuff like genre, and any particular characteristics
a very bad copy of Tool
>tfw record store in Texas was selling the Japanese edition of this record for $35
>tfw didnt have enough to get it
You guys know any "goth" movies from the 1920's-40's similar to Nosferatu?
I watch this video all the way through every time it's posted
I fucking love memes
Oh it's raw black metal with a lot of punk influences.
Didn't like Summit, but this is pretty nice.
The Matrix: Revolution
Why does everyone go hard for Japanese Editions?
yo this fucking sucks
i'm gona try to fall asleep listening to some eraudica.com/e/eve/
I'm a collector.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is one of the most influential horror movies of all times and very possibly the first surreal horror movie of all time
VERY MUCH in tone to what you're asking for
Too late i'M watching SON OF KONG now
i need some king kong metal
Japanese editions have bonus tracks to persuade the Japs to buy direct instead of importing, which is nearly always cheaper for them
>tfw no alien robotic gore gf
i gotchu senpai
Nice digits
I always wonder how people make up the shit they want to put on album covers honestly
cyborgs are THE major theme in 7 H.Target's music (the first album is a concept album about Tetsuo The Iron Man) and the gore part comes automaticaly by being a slam band, so really they just needed a little bit of creativity and technical skill to make the cover
Written in Waters is some really creative shit despite how sparse it is, in my opinion, it always gave me the same feeling
post yfw the riff is heavier than ur mom
>nu-male metal