I have taken 2 tabs of acid, im probably just going to stay home and maybe go out to buy dxm.
rec me som music
I have taken 2 tabs of acid, im probably just going to stay home and maybe go out to buy dxm
Other urls found in this thread:
The Astonishing
no its bad
other musc pls
dont buy dxm its a shit drug
listen to this lad
try and find the melody :)
good vibes
311 - Down
give me a hug man
holy shit this is great, i know why it hasnt been acclaimed
i dunno
The Hug Mans' discography.
They're a foreign group, hope that doesn't turn you off.
Makmea Sawmich is their debut, and arguably best album.
Stay home my dude, put on 2112 by Rush.
Can you link somewhere I can listen to them ?
it is not cool at all, im just spedding all day home trying to know why am I here, there is nothing good
fuck dude, your video wasnt available here so I searched and holy shit this video
hahahaha yeah damn I totally forgot about the video! It's great, enjoy :)
>communicates on Sup Forums with facebook-tier memes
yeah buddy I'm sure your life is going just great :)
>pretends to be a master memer in 2016
wow, your life must be so rich and acculturated...
if you'd be consistent you shouldn't be going out to buy dxm
Did you really make this? I feel bad for you tbqhwu.
Suck my dick
yea im probably just going to stay home, listening to Souvlaki right now, feeling great
thanks I'll check this out
Try out Pygmalion after Souvlaki! Idk how you feel about it but it's honestly one of my favorite albums of all time (Maybe #1 actually) and I dont think it gets enough love compared to Souvlaki, which is also great but nowhere near Pygmalion. It's also great for tripping I find but it might be a tad spooky. If you're ok with that, it has plenty of beautiful moments too.
I'm btw
Just listened to it, wow this is great
Yea im ok with spooky moments, Just for A Day was great, going to listen to Pygmalion
The fact that you went out of your way to make this shows how much of a fucking loser you are.
It literally requires five seconds to be made
Also, suck my dick :')
I'm back holy shit a friend came by and we smoked
Thanks I really dig the first and the third song, the second is cool tho
stop fighting
love you mu
suck your own dick, weirdo
I do, because I can ;) And you?
acidfags are lame but this is next level
next level??
i like to rim myself, but i'd never suck my own dick, i'm not a faggot
>i like to rim myself
that presupposes you shave your butthole
>shave asshole
you are a faggot
nah, the little chunks are the best part
like pulpy OJ hairs
>makes a meme to reply
This is next level autism
please go back to whatever Sup Forums thread you crawled out of
I'm proud of being next level
Holy shit the cringe lol yea I agree dxm is a waste of money but damn dude
this album
This whole album
Absolutely this. You will probably not return
currently toasting in the best bread on Sup Forums
is it
DXM is only good when mixed with DPH and a tad bit of weed before you drop.
im coming down a little bit
I can dig but it's not comfi enough
this was great holy shit
i'll checkk thank+
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