Artists people pretend to hate eventhough literally everyone likes them
Artists people pretend to hate
I unironically hate Radiohead and I don't give a fuck about majority's taste
Sorry user but it's not pretending
Nice dubs
Anyway, Marina is a generic tumblr pop artist. I wouldn't even care about her if it wasn't for her retarded fans. Same stuff for Grimes.
fucking red hot chili peppers
Only Electra Heart was Tumblr and Generic Pop. Most people judge her by Electra Heart because it was her most succesfull Album which is wrong because she has an amazing Vocal Range and makes really good music. I Suggest you Listen to Hollywood or Froot or Blue or Savages if you want the full Marina experience
Stop. Your waifufaggotry isn't going to change a pile of shit into something decent
we all know that we have to disagree with normies' and amateurs' opinions. we have to be unique and distinctive
who told you to hate radiohead
i'm not waifufagging, you faggots probably listend to Marina the wrong way. You can't just listen to Marina like that, that's not how it works. Of course retarded faggots that listen to the wrong song first(because it's the first to apear when you look her up)will get a wrong impression of Marina thinking she's shit, but if you actually take your time and listen to some of the more obscure Marina stuff then you might understand the Talented Genius that is Marina Diamandis. Her Vocal Range is abosuletly Amazing and her Voice is beautifull. She is also the most attractive 30 year old.
oh oh, fag getting nervous ;)
oh oh, fag getting nervous ;)
although i don't like her music i think...
how is possible that someone can hate Marina?
I asked this before and I'l ask again
has she done porn and where is it?
oh oh, fag getting nervous ;)
oh oh, fag getting nervous ;)
she hasn't. No Nudes No Nipslips No Nothing
that can't be true
So many letters that didn't need caps.
oh, fuck, jesus christ, shoul we start a petition in
like I know this is bait but it still makes me sad you took the time to type all this
this one's kinda true
soon as he releases a proper album he's going to be big/respected
it's already starting to happy with the mixtape
how has no one already made one?
>correcting grammar when you don't have any arguments
classic move user
i'm dead serious, I love Marina and her music, you just don't have any arguments against my claims so you use the "hur he's baiting" """""argument""""
i was listening to the family jewels and i don't really get it, it gets too "generic" to me
can you help me?
each album has shit and non shit songs. But some songs take a few listens to get into. I recommend you to listen to all Marina songs on shuffle or something because the albums itself are a really boring
god jesus
this desu
bitches are just mad they can't catch her
i miss /wpop/...
So, then, tell me what are her best/good songs
can't catch her
Froot, Fear & Loathing, Hollywood, Are you satisfied?, Mowgli's Road, Blue.
but some take some listens
just for curiosity, this track.. that i don't know if is really bad of if need some listens to get it, it has been in my mind these days, it says IT HAS NO APPEAL IT HAS NO APPEAL IT HAS NO APPEAL IT HAS NO APPEAL!
i just want to know your opinion about the track
fat butt
thought it was shit at first but it got better after a few listens
she has thick thights but no ass
this is the real thread
let's do this
me on the right
i got ur fat butt right here
I'm trying to find a video from Twitter of Marina's ass in a beige latex outfit during a concert.
I have this picture
video tho
search the video with the picture, i can't do it because my phone doesn't allow me that
Holy shit, dat ass.
be sure to post it if you find it
sounds very educational
tfwywn kiss it
>No, Sup Forums, I will not fuck off to reddit.
I really, really like both of these bottoms.
Save it! It's all yours my friend