And why are you alone?
So what are you losers doing on a Friday night
i'm stuck in rural washington
and this isn't music related
The same as you
Except it's Saturday morning here, and I have insomnia
Posting on mu and pol cause I just got back from the bar and have work in the morning
Listening to some Robert Wyatt
I'm just smelling my dads old socks while he is out on the town
Feels good man
Having 4th of July early because I'm working the next four days.
>what am I doing on a Friday night
drugs and alcohol
>why am I along
drugs and alcohol
what do they smell like?
I live out in the country in a very rural area. Never much to do here.
Just cause someone doesn't go out every night makes them pathetic?? Silly.
What kind of drugs user
Right now just weed. I've got some pills for later and some shrooms for the weekend of fireworks.
>So what are you losers doing on a Friday night
drugs and making music
>And why are you alone?
everyone hates me cause i'm weird and autistic
Easily the most disgusting thing I've ever read today. Congratulations, you beat Sup Forums.
>listening to music
>no friends
That's nice. Wish I had some shrooms & weed right now. All I got is Xanax currently.
>he doesn't smell his dads old socks
Oh boy i got some news for you
>tfw I'm boring and ugly
>I'll never have a girlfriend, let alone friends
>I should be enjoying my youth, but I'll never be accepted, so I'm shitposting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums watching my life go by
feels bad man
Because tonight's just like another night.
Nah, I'm not gay and incest is gross. I do smell my hot roommates socks tho.
>he smells his roomates socks
Oh boy i got some news for you
yall niggas are fucking retarded
user, do not waste your youth. Go out and make the most of every day. You will look back one day and regret it if you don't. LIVE DAMMIT
>be decent enough looking 22yo with Elias facial aesthetics
>go to local book store
>pick up Flannery O'Connor book
>idle about... transaction completed
>heading back to my car
>qt peers over at me from the discount bin - direct eye contact
>3 seconds of 'deer in headlights trance'
>head home and never come out until that 'post-spark feel' is over
Listening to Merzbow. Who would've thought that it actually gets comfortable near the end? It's like getting wrapped in a blanket of noise, and it's kind of sad when it ends.
>why are you alone?
I can't stand social interaction. I think I'll make an active effort to avoid talking to people from now to see if it's more enjoyable.
because I have nowhere to go
Playing vidya, watching seinfeld and animu.
>he doesn't smell his dads old socks
Oh boy i got some news for you
>he doesn't smell his roommates socks
Oh boy i got some news for you
Thanks, I will.
>Oh boy i got some news for you
Oh boy I got some news for you
Playing a DJ set for a Mexican AA group from 10-12am shits going to be lit
i like to put my hand between my balls and leg then sniff it
I just got out of work.
I have work tomorrow.
>I have work tomorrow.
Oh boy I got some news for you
>Being this privileged