I pissed you several of you pseudo-aesthete faggots off real bad last summer with some posts about this band, and I'm back.
Name a better three-piece right now
wow, big drums. looks like a good band
>admitting to being a summerfag
Hey!,isn't that band from Guitar Hero!?!? lol xD
Hopefully stem-cell research yields some serious results soon, because your ears must be utter shit.
Not the point, nigger.
No such admission has been made. Learn to read.
>last summer
>and I'm back.
Primus and Cream
Green Day of course silly xD
Not good enough for the inference you'd like to make.
If I'm not mistaken, the first user here has made reference to a hip-hop group. I invoked the term 'three-piece' to designate a certain type of rock band. Don't know what the fuck you people are thinking.
I'd have to agree with this honestly.
kek you got me 8/10
I shall check them out.
Yes. Their shit is hip-hop at its base.
Not only better, but clearly much cooler too!
wasn't meant to reply, my bad
I was about to post this.
Can't wait to see them in august.
death grips obvs
Grew up listening to Muse. Their early material is honestly really solid i(n) m(y) o(pinion). Their most recent stuff is genuinely awful. The second they turned Banksy-tier and made their music like that, they went to shit. But I'll always have some love for Muse because they turned me on to other great bands and I learned to play bass by learning all their albums. I think they're alright up to and including The Resistance.