Hi chronic memers I'm working on the follow up to 2015's Humble Cannons

Hi chronic memers I'm working on the follow up to 2015's Humble Cannons

Preorder link??


Alright but how have you been? Why don't you answer my calls?

You've lost wait

You are a fucking HACK and you are a dead meme. LEave. Fuck you

Kys Montie

P sure I still have your phone number from that time u posted it.

more kaylaposts pls

who did you vote for aaron

I am a Christian so I didn't vote

what is it?? finna call for a record deal on DJ AARON ELLIS records

>check on Sup Forums
>aaron thread

: )

no u

whats' ⤴up

I'm going to be frank here. I had the weirdest dream.

>go to ambiguous friend's house
>friend turns around
>it's Aaron Ellis
>silent "wtf" in my head as I'm dreaming

I literally don't know anything about the guy other than the few times I've seen his photos posted on here, and I downloaded Humble Cannons a year ago.

Please get out of my dreams whoever you are.

where did you go?

No one cares

Kill yourself

you will ALWAYS be a man and have a penis you fat ugly fuck

I care...

Would buy

Aaron mowed my lawn the other day

The Benevolent DJ is looking good here

HI anohini

is aldean anywhere on the album?

Aaron what do you do for a living?

idk i just dont post as much

Aaron why'd you delete everything off of your Bandcamp page?

So this is the man behind the memes?

Yes, all of them

he works on the road i think

who aRE YOU?

The man behind the cannon

literally who

he works at wilson transformers