YOOOOOOOOOO I just got a date lads what bands should I name drop to impress her?
pic unrelated
YOOOOOOOOOO I just got a date lads what bands should I name drop to impress her?
pic unrelated
The World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Die
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
butthole surfers
Specifically say "What's your favourite Swans album?"
I can't tell what parts these pictures are supposed to represent
Also do Neutral Milk Hotel, several girls I know like them
Fuck Pony
The kinks
choking asuka
not sure
shinji being a bitchboi
jacking off over the bed probably
shinji's walkman
the volcano
the only bands i know she likes according to the app is weezer and mack miller
show her pavements album terror twilight
yes pavement are one of my favorites
i prefer crooked rain personally but w/e
basically, its the plot of neon genesis evangelion
>not sue about the second one
come on user its a fucking Sup Forums banner even
second picture is obviously "god I'm fucked up"
>the volcano
No it's the tang retard did you finish the seires?
The gerogerigegege
i last watched it like 4 years ago its kinda fuzzy
Tbh I immediately thought of the Eva-03 fight.
no one because you don't drop band names to impress people you retarded high schooler.
I never understood that scene desu