R.I.P. Death Grips
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they also sound nothing alike so there's that
clipping is shit
>Tony Award winner Daveed Niggs
so are dg
who the fuck is clipping?
This /thread
>clipping pretending they don't dickride dg 24/7
Don't waste your time
Imagine if the Money Store DG had a rapper who didn't scream, was incredibly fast, but sounded like a little bitch.
clipping is fucking shit, i bet they cry into the pillow wishing they were the death grips
both are fucking garbage desu
i don't see anyone outside of wiggers listening to this shit
This. They seriously suck asses.
lmao Daveed go back to singing for Disney and get your corny "lmao so edgy xD Whitehouse sample guys!" music out of here
Literally who?
Damn it's been almost exactly 2 years since that album came out and there were threads all the time. I'd say like 40% of the board that's here now wasn't there when that happened. That's weird.
They're good, though VERY inconsistent. You can assume a third of each album is garbage. This song is essentially a masterpiece.
>uhh i haven't heard anything since the money store..
>names song 'hot fuck no love'
clipping is like an edgier dg except without talent. Pretty apparent they don't listen to dg or they might be good.
i cant stand daveed diggs as a vocalist and as a lyricist. something so fucking phony about that guy
clipping's beats are noise rap for starbucks nu-males
you'll get no argument from me
clipping. >>>>>>>>> DG
bye haters : )
What? When clppng came out everyone was like meh. The only time they were discussed after is when fantano gave them a 9.
t. daveed dicks
you got your inequality backwards m8
Why is everyone so afraid to associate themselves with DG? The producers of Yeezus vehemently deny them even listening to DG.
if they listened to them maybe they wouldnt be as awful
they don't want it to be obvious where they got their ideas from
Because people say they are copying dg and they are clarifying they are not
None of the beats Diggs raps over sound like anything off of Money Store
it's not fear it's a rightful rejection of lazy speculation by DG fans. "hey this sounds noisy and aggressive, must be death grips influenced"
Correct, it sounds like shit
I like Death Grips a lot but holy shit look at all the butthurt fans in this thread
Maybe it's just me but it sounds suspicious
here's a pic of the yeezus interview
meme rap truly is cancer
They are certainly copying the industrial hip-hop idea which was made popular by dg but haven't listened to them is my understanding.
>meme rap XD do i fit in yet moo?
people also compare death grips to danny brown
They're both shit. Both are some interesting ideas that fail to actually produce good music.
Not a copy of the same shit, is the point
man just realized ive stopped hearing about danny brown
seriously couldn't believe it when I did some research into that guy and realised how much of a career he has outside of clipping doing gay ass musicals and stuff
his new single is super good
Because he hasn't released a new album. Are you stupid?
calling yourself geeky in a subject means you probably have shit taste in that area, source: I'm a string theorist that runs into that shit too fucking often
that mock hardcore tape cover is one of the cringiest things i've seen in a while
who cares
>I'm a string theorist
Yeah if they sounded like the money store it'd be somewhat good
>it's a Sup Forums has the least polarized opinions of all Sup Forums boards so bands go from praised to shit in the matter of a thread episode
Because Death Grips are tumblr trash for Sup Forums-male tween hipsters.
clipping reminds me of spankrock
When everyone was talking about it and getting mad about Summertime is what I meant.
Sup Forums liked midcity but did not like clppng.
You act like there's not an overlap of fans with DG, clipping, and kanye
>Sup Forums hates clipping all of a sudden
Fuck you fickle faggots, they're great.
that's just reddit army defending precious meme grips under the order of fandango
more like band wagon fags slowly realizing that clipping was shit the entire time (it happened to tyler the creator)
nice buzzwords son
I like them both
clipping= hip hoppy clubby booty music
death grips= rocky fighty penis music
Man you guys are some fucking bitches. Do any of you even form your own opinions? CLPPNG was good when it came out. Sure they fell off recently but what the artist does outside of his music shouldn't affect your opinion of the actual music. He didn't even say anything offensive, you guys just go full retarded fan girl and say things like "hurrrr deth grips" "duuhhh clipping is shit becuh he make didney music". So much underaged faggottry from Death Grips fans it really makes me ashamed of saying I'm a fan.
Nice blog post fagboy
Boy you sure showed me
I did :)
>le fast spoken dindu rap over noise
He sounds envious of DG's success.
Lol, what success?
Clipping are bigger than DG.
>DG - 284k likes
>clipping - 23k likes
Lmao, you wish.
>Clipping are bigger than DG
Is this a joke? Let's think realistically here
Ready for that new album
Death grips completely owned the whole industrial rap weirdo brand.
Clipping and blackie got cucked out of
>Clipping are bigger than DG.
daveed diggs is such a fucking poser. fucking suburban cracker thinks he knows shit about the hood.. stick to impressing the obamas you broadway fairy
why do dg fans assume every remotely industrial hip hop group is influenced by them. same shit happened with blackie
>CLPPNG was good when it came out.
No it wasn't. Their sound was more mainstream than midcity and the lyrics and flow were shit.
you'd have to be thick headed not to think ho99o9 and clppng aren't influenced by DG
>Clipping are bigger than DG.
>Clipping are bigger than DG.
The guy who made clipping also makes musicals for limousine liberal faggots.
Thats not cool.
Death grips has a screaming hobo.
And blackie is like a 12 year old who listened to a lot of rage against the machine
Don't these 3 all have the same fans?
thats what i was saying
but fagtano likes clipping remember when he gave their shitty debut album a 9 and how he freaked out when they sent him a vinyl ep
Oh yeah, bro. Sars
When It Rains is so fucking based. The fact that he's on warp makes my dick hard.
Death Grips fans are fucking cancerous.
I love both.
this desu
>liking more than one artist
Sup Forums the twitter update
>noise rap for nu-males
That's all noise rap though.
>liking more than zero artists
notice how just about everything you see involving DG equates to their cringy fanbase? why do you care who else listens to music you like? fuck those faggots, i'm not letting them sway me.
i mean ffs, i like a lot of albums Sup Forums likes. that's fucking gay enough.
>People hate clipping.
I remember you nerds loving the fuck out of their first albums you fucking contrarians. Don't pretend you guys always hated clipping.
I can't believe people try to compare DG to clipping. DG actually make interesting music and clipping is just run of the mill party rap with shots of noise. And if you think DG music is simple, which I suppose it is in a lot of ways, it's still very well crafted and sonically and stylistically consistently interesting.