Why do you drool all over this Sup Forums? It sounds quite fucking generic considering it's contemporary to masterpieces such as Before and After Science or Pink Flag. It's not even bad, just barely listenable and quite mediocre.
Why do you drool all over this Sup Forums...
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Dreams is the greatest pop song ever
This album showed everyone in the music world that pop songs can be melodically and harmonically complex
Didn't we have Bowie for that already?
Didn't we have The Beach Boys for that already?
>comparing Pink Flag and Fleetwood Mac
the fuck
can I get some other similar sounding albums?
It's pretty much the birth of bland corporate radio rock. Maroon 5 and Train owe their lives to this album.
It's hugely influential, but on all the wrong people.
Fantastic pop songs though. The only weak spot is Oh Daddy.
I Don't Want to Know is the best song on the album, and it's good they didn't release it as a single or it would have been overplayed to death.
Go on a road trip with your mom and let her pick the music
Yes, but Bowie put too much work into being glam, so a lot of people ignored his actual music
No, Beach Boys did some goddamn perfect pop songs, but none of there stuff was really revolutionary. They kinda got overshadowed by The Beatles
Not on this album, but Gypsy is probably the greatest vocal performance of all time.
>that long ohhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa held at the end for like 20 seconds
Wew lad, I get erect every time.
Not straight up comparing the bands, it's just that 77 was one hell of a year.
The Chain's a cool song
No. You're better off not listening to similar stuff to this.
Steely Dan is this but better
Steely Dan is awful.
They take all the worst aspects of jazz fusion and blend it with safe, boring pop.
They are the soundtrack to hell.
>tfw you don't love me now
>tfw you will never love me again
if only for dreams that album is incredible
I love this album but, honest to god and I'm not saying this just to be contrarian, I like the Tusk album a bit more.
this song is worth drooling over more than pretty much anything off of 'Rumours' that I can think of at the moment:
fuck these motherfuckers, this is the real Fleetwood Mac
Peter Green forever
Came in to say this
Album is nice enough but kinda played to death, I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing it again. Except motherfuckin Dreams
Fuck off, pleb.
Fleetwood Mac has created some of the greatest pop songs