AJJ/Andrew Jackson Jihad - New Album

Andrew Jackson Jihad just announced a new album, The Bible 2, along with a music video.


It sounds like a continuation of Christmas Island which I'm actually excited about because I was a big fan of it. It also doesn't include that single they released a couple months ago which I thought was pretty poor, so that's a relief.

What do you guys think?

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This is Demarco level goofy goober

Good stuff. I prefer their old sound but this is fine.

I saw them last year and had a good chat to Sean before the show, my friends and I were the only ones there to see them in particular. Also Ben stood awkwardly along the line to get in, because he was too shy to push through. I told him to go for it because he's in the band and it was nice :)

Funny vid too

What the fuck happened to this band. Goodbye indeed.

Great video. Good song. Like the album title and cover. Sounds like an improved Christmas Island.

Nothing magical but I like the look of the track list for sure.

Also I hope Sup Forums still cares enough about this band to post a leak at somepoint. Even if they're not edgy enough for them.

I don't get the hate for these guys. I'm still very fond of their antics

>Andrew Jackson Jihad

They're called just AJJ now, you insensitive cunt.

Hilarious Joke there. Did you borrow that one from Fantano.

Not even an alt right autist but "AJJ" is a pathetic band that insincerely started pandering to millennial white female liberals starting in 2010.

I stopped listening to them once they changed their name to AJJ

The watery effect on the vocals the majority of the time sucks, but some of the lyrics are good. "If I stay in bed long enough, they'll go to church without me" is a highlight for me. Video's stupid but at least they didn't put the stupid thing in the song itself this time. Album title made me laugh as well, even though it was a cheap laugh
older stuff was still better, but there's nothing wrong with this. some of the track names like Junkie Church and American Garbage have me worried, like they aren't full of the piss and vinegar they used to be full of but they're pretending they still are? i don't know. i'll listen to it

Really excited to see When I'm a Dead Boy on there. they played a demo of it at a show i went to and it was really fucking good


hopefully it doesn't get ruined by the Christmas Island style production their sticking to

Though I don't really give two shits over the band's political stance I am slightly disappointed cause Andrew Jackson Jihad was a kickass name and now nobody gets to use it.

I actually really like this, kinda like a more melodic Christmas Island sound

this exactly

the name Andrew Jackson Jihad was what drew me to them originally, AJJ is just lame

wtf is going on with the blonde dude's hair. weirdest fringe i've ever seen. like it swoops around from the crown of his head and in front of his ears. you get a good look at it when they walk around the ladder

Totally, it's a shame they couldn't change their name to something equally as cool. But eh. Album name and song titles still seem sweet.


>now nobody gets to use it

nobody is going to arrest you for using their old name rofl

Kinda ambivalent here. I like a lot of of their old stuff when they're not just being pointlessly edgy (which is often) and I don't mind the political stuff since I'm pretty left myself. I don't give a shit about the name, but Top of My Game sucked ass so I'm not sure if I'll listen to the new album or not.

Sounds like shitty cuckold music

This. They should have adopted a new name altogether. Calling themselves AJJ immediately evokes their old name - it's lame as fuck and it hardly resolves their name issue in the first place.

do any of you dare to disagree with this chart

I don't like the production, something seems off.

Also this exactly. Viet Cong screwed up in a similar way, I can hardly remember their new name.

Sounds like a poor OK Go cover

i've only listned to the "patrician" column and they both sucked

Christmas Island should be contrarian, and you should remove the candy cigarettes compilation and replace it with original candy cigarettes album, then place it in the plebeian column.

Top of My Game won't be on the new album, thankfully. The new song seems more like what we can expect.

i can get down with that

hmmmm well you see I find this new stuff

They shouldn't throw around lyrics that could offend people like that

i think that was the point? like they were doing a parody of ok go's music video style

I liked their folk-punk stuff more

it's pretty good though

just cucc my

move can't mantain to peblian and sure