/drug/ thread
What's your favorite drug+music combonation?
Mine's LSD+Ambient
/drug/ thread
What's your favorite drug+music combonation?
Mine's LSD+Ambient
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I guess my brain couldn't decide if I wanted to write "combo" or "combination", so I ended up writing both
don't do drugs kids
Cannabis and shoegaze
Shrooms and upbeat plunderphonics like SILY and Donuts
LSD + pic related
Weed and dadrock I'm a basic bitch lel. When I did acid I kinda forgot what music was so that was a bad experience. I ended up listening to a buncha boards of Canada tho
I was actually looking for new music to listen to while high, and never thought of this genre of music
What do you recommended by them?
weed + jazz
why complicate things?
Shoegaze or plunderphonics?
Weed cookies + Future Days, Os Mutantes, Free Jazz is great.
while listening to ambient, shoegaze, noise, or drone rock, depending on the dose
for 2nd plat I like bubbly electronic pop and upbeat stuff
like Neon Indian, Donuts by J Dilla, Flying Lotus, Beach House, Washed Out, Tame Impala and stuff
For the higher plats I like messy sounding stuff like The Goslings, Wiicca, Have a Nice Life, Angelic Process
Nicolas Jaar's work is amazing on any dose. Psychic by Darkside is literally the perfect DXM album. Everyone who does it that I have introduced to that album has agreed that it "sounds like DXM"
Meth & acid. Last time it was the weeknd's trilogy and loveless. Loveless is always in the mix somewhere
What's your common dose?
I can't find any cough syrup without shitloads of guaifenesin :/
Not the person you're responding to but here you go
This is me and I forgot to add Tim Hecker for higher doses. Anything drone-y can be trance inducing and it's great. Also Daughter of Darkness by Natural Snow Buildings is a 6 hour long drone rock/folk adventure with structures like post-rock at times that feels made for DXM (especially considering the length of time). great if you wanna go into a trance
Can I get this chart in a quality that doesn't look like it's been reposted on instagram fifty times?
wanted to put this one but it weighs too much
I average 550mg, usually anywhere from 300mg-700mg. Been using it for about 3 years. Tolerance sucks but it is still enjoyable. I honestly use it more for antidepressant effects than the trip these days, anyway.
Here, use your body weight to calculate dosages
I've never done stuff with guaf but it's a gamble bc I hear it makes you puke a lot. Amazon and lots of other sites sell DXM only products if you live in the USA
Read the DXM FAQ on Erowid if you haven't and be safe. It may be a perfectly legal OTC cough medicine, but it can be quite the experience
Worst thing about DXM is that you might want to fast for a while before dosing, and that can be a pain, as well as the fact that for myself and other people I know, it makes it impossible to sleep
Do yourself a favor though-- don't go more than one night without sleep-- that shit is vital for your body and I know from experience that staying up for multiple days while on DXM and it's after effects really can fuck you up in bad ways. If it weren't for those 2 things, as well as tolerance, it would be a perfect drug to me
Thanks mate!
Cannabis and/or codeine + Drone
Psychedelics + Noise Rock
Cannabis/MDMA + anything
Dissociative + The Fall
The first Os Mutantes album + a low dose of aMT was one of my most memorable music listening experience.
Hey man, so a good starting point imo would be SPC ECO's 3D, followed by Slowdive's Souvlaki.
After that, you can get into the more textured stuff like MBV's Loveless and LSD & The Search For God's self-titled EP. The last two are my fav shoegaze albums to listen to LOUD with headphones, especially when you're stoned. You can almost "see" the sound in your head.
I seriosly like listenign to just sound + heroin
Heroin and shit like Giuseppi Logan, Milford Graves, New York Art Quartet, etc
I did a bunch of DXM and listened to Drukqs it was a great time, and travelled to the land of Ogthar and Motemon
You're welcome. Best of luck.
Also, to keep it Sup Forums related, another amazing album for DXM is Colin Stetson and Sarah Neufeld's "Never Were the Way She Was"
heroin + indie/dream pop
DPH and noise
DXM and anything pretty much
Weed + music.
Cannabis + Shoegaze/Dream Pop
LSD + Baroque Pop
Mushooms + Neo Psych
Mescaline + Prog
Cocaine + Alt Dance/Synthpop
MDMA + House (most electronic dance music really)
Alcohol + Trip Hop
Insomnia+Algorithmic Noise
Because I am not a simpleton
Sorry, I'm not a filthy degenerate.
that's why you're posting on Sup Forums, right? :^)
but you drink alcohol on some occassions, coffee on rough mornings, some DXM for that nasty cough and even get a shot of morphine if you happend to break your leg...
Not doing drugs, sure
Pshhh, mere children ITT with their fantasies of poisoning their bodies with this drug garbage...
MUSIC is my drug, you uncultured swine
coke and Chicago house + juke
this guy gets it
Closed minded plebs
Factually inaccurate.
If anything my mind's all the more capable since I'm not busy rotting away at it of my own accord with poisonous drugs
Have fun being of a lesser mental capacity than me though, it really shows considering most of this board's absolutely pedestrian tastes in music
>absolutely pedestrian
>meme grips
LSD and modern psych rock or shoegaze.
pic related.
but for real though
molly + hardstyle
lsd + shoegaze
mxc + trap
>putting holes in your brain
Lately I've been really enjoying weed plus stoner metal. Currently listening to dopesmoker.
>he fell for the D.A.R.E meme
i wish i was still this innocent