Because early morning Sup Forums is the best Sup Forums there is
rate/rec/discuss weekend activities that may have already happened or will happen
Because early morning Sup Forums is the best Sup Forums there is
rate/rec/discuss weekend activities that may have already happened or will happen
Other urls found in this thread:
You just graduated high school and you just discovered Sup Forums
Stressed, worried, maybe has ulcers
May or may not be pregnant
>calls me a newfag
>chart is full of shitty rap and pop
I'll give you Melody's Echo Chamber and the Cocteaus but fuck is the rest of that chart cringeworthy
acer do you like charles ives
>weekend activities
i'll start getting drunk at 2pm
and i plan to stay that way until tomorrow morning
calm down ladies
yea those things in your stomach
ulcer right
I think thats the word
I remember liking Central Park In The Dark
I think
you gotta listen to Ives' 4th symphony at some point, it's fucking incredible.
i've only listened to 10 albums this week
accept my 3x3
>shitty rap and pop
If it was so shitty they wouldn't be grammy wining artists would they? Nor would they be as popular as they are.
Swans is try hard smut, I paid $30 to see them live and they played drones for 2 hours, I was front row and I actually fell asleep. Clpping if fucking awful seriously, you have the taste of a 16 year old advent teen.
Go listen to Scott Walker and cry over some girl who doesn't want you anymore. Your taste has no personality just like your life.
calm down
post some pretty girls
>fuck is the rest of that chart cringeworthy
this is what a cringeworthy chart looks like
I agree with this
Honestly popfriend, I respect you, if only because your taste reminds me of my girlfriend's. I should get her to listen to The Avalanches.
I'll give you clipping, I only listened to that album because my gf is digging Hamilton at the moment and I know the guy from clipping was in it.
Pls be nice
eh never done this but why not
Clover crashes and all my replies got deleted :(
Still gotta listen to that Max Roach album....
Woah you like GD. Are you from the Bay?
Nine is fine what's your favorite kind of music?
how does it feel not being a collage virgin
>all my replies got deleted :(
Iktf, man
I feel exposed
+steeleye, mingus
Try art blakey if you haven't. Maybe an entry level rec, not so good with jazz.
Your chart looks as good as always.
+Everything Everything
+Melody's Echo Chamber
+The Avalanches
+Beatles, Jethro Tull
~The Cure
-Beach House
+Beach Boys, of Montreal
I heard you wanted a reply.
Here's your (you), friend
Oh my
What's that album in between Klaus Nomi and The Residents like
Metronomy - The English Riviera
+ The Unicorns, MBV, Scott Walker
~Nick Cave
-Titus Adronicus, Japandroids, Radiohead
+Rae Sremmurd, Blood Orange, Kanye
~ Spooky Black
- Drake
- - Travis Scott
+ Miles Davis, Max Roach, Negativland, Coltrane, Mingus, Beethoven
~ Avalanches, Eno
+ a lot of pop stuff
- death grips
+big blood
~joy division
+Nicki Minaj
+electric wizrd
-the cure
+A1, A2, A3, A5, B3, C1, C3, C5, D1, E4, E5
- D5, E2, E3
+B4, C4, E1
+A4,A5, B4, B5,D1, D3
-everything (sorry)
Oh i guess posting works now
>What's that album in between Klaus Nomi and The Residents like
Traditional choir music, bit like christian masses. A little hard to place (for me at least) but it's a nice album. Not like other stuff by Geinoh Yamashirogumi.
I'll listen to that chinese flute album if you think it's any good. Also maybe check out Dufay chansons. Medieval music.
Hogwoods recordings are really good. I like them better than gardiner, at least.
Also really liked Luna so check her out if you're into kpop.
~mbv, swans
+souvlaki, scott walker
>loveliescrushing, Jarboe, dead can dance, this heat, nico
I like how you started rating bingo style after a while
>Traditional choir music, bit like christian masses
Ooohh sounds cool.
>Not like other stuff by Genioh Yamashirogumi
Oh it's something by them? I've been recced em before. Interesting.
>I'll listen to that chinese flute album if you think it's any good
It's not that good. There's a lot of fusion with other genres going on and they execute it well sometimes but it comes off as cheesy more often than not. Personally I think it's an okay record but I wouldn't recommend it if what you're looking for is really normal trad.
Flying Saucer Attack - s/t
Try some attic abasement
Dunno how much you dig vaportrap outside of bb but telozkope's equanaimo is worth a try if you haven't heard it