Who needs lyrics when you have big black cocks

>Who needs lyrics when you have big black cocks.

Transmitted to 90,000,000 followers.


Who is this ugly whore in the photo?

Smells an awful lot like ((((((them)))))) using a famous pop star popular with preteen girls to market their agenda to me.

better save the day buddy, get your best image macros ready.

delete this

From Church gospel singer to latex sex-idol.

God is real. Though he's a massive pervert and sent his best disciple to brainwash all the young girls.


You're too stupid to understand the complexities of theology and religion. No offense.

thanks for that, i just retweeted it xD got anymore barn burners OP?

in return, you can lookup that yung thug smoking penises tweet if u want xD so funny may mays!

this was real then he deleted it
look up the news article

more like it sounds like katy enjoying the best that black culture has to offer while ignoring their struggles


lul was prob hacked desu tho

What's wrong with this?

She's mocking the idea of looking at porn instead of writing lyrics.

Stupidity is all it takes, m8

The absolute Mad Madam

Also, this tweet doesn't make logical sense to me


If I were a white girl I'd enjoy BBC as well. Why the hell not? It's one of the 8 wonders of the world. Have to suck a fat juicy BBC before you die.

yes goyim yes

that's p gay man

oh user you're right, i'll just concede to your values instead, and settle for your unsatisfactory little white cock

8 erect my dude

Nice. Black + White contrast. It's art basically.

this thread sucks now. stop talking about dicks and post more funny may may tweets

Can someone explain this tweet for me please

Who is the person she's tweeting?
What lyrics is she talking about?
Why is she talking about porn?
Who do black dicks relate to it all?