purepop + pitmeat
Kpop general
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Do you support Tzuyu ?????
I don't support Taiwanese nationalism, for fucks sakes you are literally China so stop trying to act like you aren't
i saw that this morning and got scared that something happened to her
only post pure girls in this thread
More feet now
I thought she was a robot but those tears convinced me she has a heart
?? where'd this come from
where all my bad girlz at?
it's called axillae
yooa is a fuckdoll
did somebody say pitmeat?
starting when
post your best rongs
long pockets on short shorts are my fetish
these kinda outfits are the reason they got detained at the airport
Perfume>Any KPOP
lewder than any JAV
shame about that face
ugly :/
who's the 3rd girl
Dumb teenage frog poster
not with those faces. send to dr. takahiro now
teddy hasn't made a good song in years
meant to quote
/KPG/: Where the P stands for 3 things!
At least we are finally moving away from fucking purepop
have you guys seen the thigh goddesses in action?
our new goddess & irene's successor jisoo
which one is jenny
wouldn't she notice the wind on her vag?
Patrician kpg does it again
upset rong
you better delete this, kid
I'd have to post my whole folder then mister
professor pussypits
jisoo is in lovelyz
I'm not ready for pinkblack posting
they're disgusting, just like most of the ugly people y'all post (i'm looking at you snsd posters)
Wonder Girls will save kpop
she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen
goddamn they're cute! and not too plastic looking either
i only know night flight and that is a banger, i should listen to more of them
Yenny is the only good looking wonder turd
YG claims this group will be all natural, their contacts forbidding plastic surgery. Trying to avoid another bom I guess.
ready for my yg girls to slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay twice
u shud desu they're fun
ygshitters will get bored and go back to posting big bang soon enough
except for the work done before their contract
that's the loophole
>he doesnt want sunmi to peg him while yubin stomps on his dick.
baka desu
I want to cum inside Black Pink
YG saving the world by ending the trend of purepop debuts
Perhaps, they look great tho
thank you
how many of them are sea
they literally all look sea
Lisa looks a lot less thai in that photo.
they don't even look korean, they look like some dirty spic asian mix
the shitposting is at critical levels
2nd one looks like korean chewy
Lisa is thai
Tzuyu did absolutely nothing wrong. she waved her sovereign countries flag next to the korean flag, then the primitive chinks in a completely different country went ape shit and harassed a fucking teenage girl. And JYP showed how spineless they really are when the made her do that shaming video of her saying her home country doesn't exist, simply bc they want that chink money.
I was really dissapointed in JYP tbph
proc has never, and does not own The republic of China
the PROC came into existence during the old regime of the ROC in mainland China.
they have fundamentally different political ideologies. The ROC is Nationalist, and the PROC is Communist. they only worked together once, which was to defeat the Japanese.
Taiwan is not part of the PROC the same way the PROC does not still belong to the ROC, they are 2 different states.
Justice for Tzuyu & Sovereignty for Taiwan
lisa on the right?
I don't like you
get your eyes checked nerds
omo.. korean chewy...
worse, she's hapa. a twofer
i love this album so much.....
in the black or the pink
wouldn't give a shit if either country got nuked in hellfire 2bh
what is she
what's wrong with spics?
does taiwain want sovereignty or just to take back control of the mainland?
half thai half white
>Black Pink
is this the worst name for any group ever?
nothing sometimes i cant even tell if they're asian or hispanic
post more black apink
i.........am a blackpink fan
Absolutamente nada.
>kpop might as well be random asian country pop
make kpop great again
100% wife
is this gonna be our new reeny?
you're a faggot, that's what you are
like i've said before
Nope, that belongs to gugudan
One time an a.kor poster was mean to me and my waifu, and in turn I started to dislike a.kor, and look where they are at now.
I suggest black pink fans take that into account when interacting with other people online, what you say has an effect, and it can be negative or positive for your waifu and her group
what you say matters, and every new fan counts
so like anti apink? the ultimate slutpop group?
lol no.
im honestly interested now
cant wait
depends on if she has nice feet/pits
>"So what does Black Pink stand for?"
>"We wanted to show the two sides of ourselves. We perform black music, but we can still be pretty and delicate, like the color pink."
Shitstorm ensues