Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
One hundred percent.
One hundred and one percent.
I really shouldn't have laughed at this, but I did
The Radiohead and AnCo ones are perfect
Why not? Cause it's meme-y?
Roger Waters
No. Now fuck off with your gay cartoons, manchild.
Careful with that edge
>linking multiple boards
Death Grips
dude you're so cool for telling these kids off anonymously on Sup Forums
this is better desu
how did he become the poster child of noise and a meme here? it's like the only step babby takes after listening to itaots/okc towards listening to noise
Nine Inch Nails
what episode?
>tagging every board besides the actual one for cartoons
>gay cartoons
>Doesn't show /y/
underrated comment
Looks like one of those shitty post season 4 episodes.
Plankton gets everyone to join a band to steal the formula somehow.
Super cringey, stay far away from it.
>season 6
how did I know? I'm curious as to what exactly happened during the fourth season which caused them all to turn awful. Did all the writers die in a freak airplane accident?
Foot Village
Writers leave all the time.
literally who
>Season 3 ends
>The movie is made and released with the idea that its the finale, there will be no more
>Nickelodeon says "fuck no more money pls"
>They soullessly churn out endless shit that idiot children eat up
This is actually the case with the vast majority of television series, that have a movie intended as the finale, but all that promotion only leads to more popularity and therefore the powers that be demand it go on.
>think of what would have happened if creators ended with the movie as planned
>they would have, on their hands, the greatest most flawless 3 seasons of children's television of all time
>think of what was lost in the name of money
>anti imperialist radicalization intensifies
Sup Forums
>mostly season 3 images
yep, those bands are shit, very accurate
Captain Beefheart or MF Doom