Ferrari is a meme
Nobody cares. Everyone here thinks he's a meme.
do you think Sup Forums really matters in the real world? lol
Hello grubo
hello grubo
do you think james ferraro really matters in the real world? lol
Do either of you think you matter in the real world
how could you say he doesn't? he constantly gets covered in several publications and is one of the most acclaimed musicians in experimental music.
James ferraro is so far up his own ass for anyone to care
hello grubo
hello grubo
>Human Story 3, on the other hand, puts too fine a point on its critique. Its constant barrage of verbal rubbish makes the record feel something like a less artful, album-length version of Radiohead’s “Fitter Happier”.
wow what a pleb
>the great jpg
>is actually png
Fuck off el grubo
the tts really is the worst part imo. they take away from the subtlety of the instrumentals.
hello grubo
deserves a lower score desu
hello grubbo
Which one was right Sup Forums?
why cant he make some more shit like nyc hell
this just sounds like vapid, faux optimistic background music straight from simcity
hello grubo
p4k blowing out radiohead and ferraro.
Hello grubo
What did he use to make this album?
I still love it.
simcity soundtrack
hello grubo
hello grubo
cocaine, casio keyboard from thrift shop, pirated copy of fl, and a pirated copy of simcity 3000
Ah, I thought it sounded familiar
Hello grubo
you have no idea what you're talking about
hello grubo
Neither does Ferraro
How does he afford the cocaine? That's what I want to know.
He Sell His Dick Under THe Bridge!!!! for one dolla!!!!! XD
Do you guys think that anything matters?
>5.0 for a poor man's Steve Reich ripoff
Seems generous desu
Viral marketing loses again boys :^)
He works in SimCity at the GlobalCorp/Microsoft CyberMcDonalds or whatever the fuck he hallucinates during his coke binges.
god, it was so obvious, faggots posting this ugly nigger like mu ever cared about him all of a sudden
Good, if they rated it any lower I'd might actually be convinced it was good music
Getting a 5 is the point of it you idiots
>less artful version of Fitter, Happier
the only they're blowing out is James Ferraro
A pretty accurate rating t b h
Really makes you think...
even p4k thinks dean blunt>ferraro
suck it Sup Forums
>one of the most acclaimed musicians in experimental music
Album - number
I'm not one to defend Ferraro, but if p4k gave this an 8 you'd all either be praising the album or bitching about how shit p4k is.
further proof that P4K is fucking cancer and knows nothing about music
>they read pitchfork
>All the newfags itt who dont know ferraro and some go even as far to say that Sup Forums never cared about him.
everyone that complains about shilling is a Sup Forums crossboarder and should be ignored as such tbqhwy
>le shilling maymay
You mean to say you don't use at least 3 boards in occasion?
i use more than three boards and none of them are Sup Forums, because Sup Forums is horrible