Electronic music will never be as expressive as music played on real instruments.
Prove me wrong.
Electronic music will never be as expressive as music played on real instruments.
Prove me wrong.
you mine as well stop using the computer then.
using pen and paper>email
idk how people are this retarded.
>implying there has been a single album produced in the last decade without digital things somewhere in the production
all instruments are real
with digital music you can express yourself exactly how you intend to
when playing real instruments there is always a chance for human error
electronic != digital
listen to more music
You're right.
Hey OP
>people unironically bumping this shit b8 thread in 2016
the point still stands
that was fucking beautiful
Eno did it better.
Could you say the same about piano? You can't really push passion into it, you're just pressing keys.
I agree and I enjoy electronic
>genre x is better than genre y
this shit needs to stop.
i challenge OP or anyone to explain this, what makes regular instruments more expressive?
Is it real time control of dynamics? Which dynamics? are these things that cannot be done by electronic instruments?
OP, Radiohead would like a word.
>real time control of dynamics?
>are these things that cannot be done by electronic instruments?
in midi, velocity is represented by a number between 0 and 127, so it's extremely low resolution compared to irl dynamics.
Kid A and Amnesiac are completely souless though
Regular instruments are far more sensitive to small, subconscious changes caused by the emotions that the musician is feeling. Electronic instruments only capture the sound that was consciously intended, not the subtle subconscious variations.
shit bait op
on a serious note I'd say that electronic music has greater potential than conventional instruments to actually express emotion
you're literally able to shape waveforms to your liking, and put effects on them to give them certain feelings
underage rockist detected
MIDI is a very outdated control protocol anyway. there are alternatives with much higher resolution. IDK what they are of the top of my head but they exist.
also what about a theremin?
this is Sup Forumscore at its finest.
>opinions plebs have
I don't agree with OP, but how does this prove him wrong? It's not mostly electronic.
take away the electronic component and the song has no meaning, an electronic instrument is literally the only thing that makes it expressive