>We heard you're really into music, user...who are your top 20 21st-century composers?
We heard you're really into music, user...who are your top 20 21st-century composers?
james ferraro
the other 19 are irrelevant
daniel lopatin
the other 19 are irrelevant
also h-hows the soup?
Panda Bear x20
dean blunt
the other 19 are irrelevant
Fatima Yamaha, the other 19 are irrelevant
oh there she is in the background. Hello Fatima!
Christ I hate when this happens. I can't come up with that many 21st century composers...
>21st-century composers?
I'm not a degenerate, sorry.
"Lol user, you idiot hahaha do you need a calendar hahaha"
>lopatin, ferraro, blunt, gherzi, you know the good stuff ;)
this image never fails to trigger me
None of the people who make the music I listen to would call themselves as composers. I'd like to hear your top 20 if that's the kind of music you're into, I've been looking for recommendations.
The fuck? I think a pusha t song was on the radio when I got here.
"Y'know the good ones, heh heh..."
"Please let me lick your feet"
probably like doctor dre and deamau5
Carter Pann is good. John Mackey is alright. Haven't heard much else I care for desu
Jeremy Soule is actually very good, he composed the Elder Scrolls soundtracks, amongst other things.
>video game music
lmao get the fuck out nerd
>collects anime memes
Sup Forums is an anime website, get used to it.
My answer
>Who the fuck would ask that in a group of girls?
Judd Greenstein, Cliff Martinez, Jeremy Soule the list goes on...
The Beatles, no, not THOSE beatles...
stravisnky, bartok, the list goes on...
>stravisnky, bartok,
uhh you know.. beethoven... mozart... bach
John Zorn
Oh you know: John Coltrane, Miles Davis, the list goes on...
Josephine Foster
John Ludington
Joanna Newsom
David Portner
Tara Burke
I can't be bothered to do a top twenty.
Top kek
Kanye West
>implying anything good has been made in the 21st century
sorry, I don't waste my time talking to plebs
21 pilots? yeah they're pretty good
I don't listen to composed music, only organic sounds like bird songs or running water
Only non autist in yhis thread
I claim 2
if you answer anything other than Kanye West you're probably the gay best friend in this scenario.
sean mccann, thomas ades, nils frahm, max richter, ...., etc.
sorry my choices are so generic. i'm not too knowledgeable of 21st century composers.
but that's Michael Gira
awful opinion 4 is the best looking. 2 has bangs which means shes definitely got daddy issues and is probably gonna cry mid fuck unless you're into that kind of thing.
7 aint that bad.
Lol I'll take 4. I didn't even notice OP at 5 until your pic.
I'll pump and dump 1 thnx
*girlies start jagging me with their feet*
7 and 1 for my tyvm
>bangs = daddy issues
I am very much into that kind of thing
I will also take 1
> 2 has bangs which means shes definitely got daddy issues
im into girls crying mid fuck but this is hilarious
guess again this bitch is at least 90 percent a lesbian tumblrina shes gonna be the one fucking you lets be honest.
>implying I would have a problem with that
fair enough.
No, it's a Japanese image board.
you first
lol people really think normalfags don't love anime too
>Implying all of them aren't cute as fuck
Except for 1 but, that's because fake hair color is a turn off, it's never meant anything good to me.
Naruto, Dragonball Z and Pokemon don't count
Nah I'll run it then ghost her. Next week she will post cryptic sad shit on FB and tumblr then turn in that last 10% straight card.
Isn't 7 that YouTube chick who dances to anime songs and had that documentary where her dad looked like he wanted to fucking die for 90 minutes?
Also I pick 2.
Boi, I didn't say it wasn't allowed. I said this is not an anime board, which it is not, this specific board is for music, which is on a Japanese image board.
Don't be a gay faggot.
why does it trigger you le redditor?
Fuck off Normies. This is a African tribal music image board