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What's the general opinion here on 'Blonde on Blonde'?
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What's the general opinion here on 'Blonde on Blonde'?
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his best
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Generally positive, in some Sup Forumscore type lists.
I like it.
>his best
>not blood on the tracks
Fucking great stuff.
bob is a hack, Joni was right
i like it a lot
Great but overrated
His lyrics slip a little in this album
BotT is his best, true, but BoB is terrific. Some of his best surrealism and by far his best electric stuff, other than Highway 61.
Death Grips stole from it, so probably the most influential album ever.
It's a great album. But not greater than Bringing It All Back Home.
nah the most influential album of all time is pretty much TVU&N
i discovered it from some Sup Forums dudes here and I bought the cd at a store and I like it. But i don't visit it too regularly as with most Sup Forums core
Listened to a lot of music in my life, but Bob is still the best. Blonde on Blonde is his best, with BotT, both 10\10. You can't ask much more from music
His best is freewheelin but blonde on blonde is an easy 10/10
first track fucking sucks, the rest is p good tho
The first track is the best track you giant pleb.
you're the pleb if you'd ever want to listen to it more than once
mate its a fucking banger.
>pretending he doesn't skip it when putting the album on
>people pretending I Want You isn't the best track
one hit wonder
it's a good song but a weak spot in the album
it's memphis blues you mongol
I Want You is awful. His voice is at its absolute worst at that song and some of the lines are just retarded
"Now your dancing child with his Chinese suit
He spoke to me, I took his flute
No, I wasn’t very cute to him, was I?"
They don't call it "The Bible of Rock & Roll" for nothing.
"Stuck Inside of Mobile" is the album's true highpoint btw. Deal with it "Lady of the Lowlands" stans.
This isn't Sup Forumscore , it's a genuine classic. Sup Forumscore is shit like Godspeed you and fishmans
Get a sense of humor man.
*first two tracks
Other than that it's 10+/10
Blood on the Tracks > Bringing it All Back Home > Highway 61 Revisited > Blonde on Blonde
I love Blonde on Blonde, like it quite a bit more than Highway 61 Revisited (which besides LaRS, Ballad of a Thin Man and Desolation Row feels like it's the same song being played in different ways tbqh).
TVU&N is directly influenced by Dylan's electric trilogy, Reed's biggest influence at this time was electric Dylan. Even the Velvet's visual aesthetic was pretty similar to Dylan's during 65-66.
And at the risk of sounding like a bitter boomer, it annoys me to no end when people tout VU&N as this album that influenced all sides of rock when it barely touched blues rock, jam rock (at least Deadhead type dadrock), folk rock, heartland rock, country rock, etc. Not necessarily popular on Sup Forums or "hip" but pretty big portions of rock music Reed and Cale had almost no impact on.
It's one Dylan's most played live songs is Dylan peb?
Live Rolling Thunder Dylan > Live 66 Dylan
Performance in consideration only. Yes, I know all about the historical significance of the 66 tour, that doesn't make it good.
Highway > Blood > Blonde > Bringing
still bump
Adding to this, here's Dylan circa 1965
Here's TVU in with all of their classic lineup/associates.
I've always felt Dylan's mid 60s look was pretty post-punkish tbqh.
love & theft is his best.
stuck inside a mobile sucks ass man its literally that same verse loop for like 6 minutes i want to blow my brains out when that song is on
rainy day women also sucks tremendously
the bob electric trilogy all have some really god awful songs, almost always his shitty attempts at blues
Some of his best mixed with a lot of meh
>stuck inside a mobile sucks ass
the bridge is great in that
I like this version
Have you heard his 75' live album, Hard Rain? It's pretty good, definitely worth a listen