binnie's binnies...
imagine sex with joonyul without coundoum.
OUR(my) girl
is this guy a new OMG photographer?
Imagine being so nugu that nobody bothers you on public transport.
I'm jealous of you kpg neets you have all the time to watch stuff.
t. wageslave
lol remember that article about babysoul taking the train
sex demon on the left
mimi tho
MBC Show Champion
7:00 – 8:30 PM KST
Double S 301
Brave Girls
more like imagine being so ugly that nobody bothers you on public transport.
omo jiho
notice how the guy who posts taeyeon is always desperate to post her first in every thread...
refreshing the catalog for the fresh kpop general... before the thread is even linked in the previous thread
netizens are disgusting people
lmao post it
make sure babysoul poster's asleep though so we don't hurt his feelings
Article: Lovelyz takes the subway for transportation
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+297, -17] I think most women on the subway are prettier than that girl
2. [+259, -12] ? I don't think anyone would recognize her anyway..
3. [+198, -15] Who planned this group? ㅋ How are all the members so average looking ㅋ You could make a group out of all the eliminated trainees of 'Produce 101' and come out with a prettier girl group than them
4. [+26, -3] Can't tell if it's the make that's making her look tacky or if that's just how she lacks... her face is busted
5. [+19, -2] Wow, she's an idol singer???????????????? Hmm, well, just asking..
6. [+15, -1] Her name is Baby Soul? Probably the most foolish name I've heard since Hero Jaejoong and U-Know Yunho...
7. [+12, -1] She's ugly
8. [+10, -0] ... ㅎ I think she needs to try a new make up style... what is up with that, especially her make up...
9. [+9, -0] She makes Girlfriend's Umji look like a goddess...
10. [+5, -1] So is she talented??? Her face is so average
no thanks, twice is old news now bro
binnie is so cute and i'm sad they stopped promoting now
Twice's music is trash, RV's music is based, we care about the music here.
>we care about the music here.
no we fucking don't?
Savage as fuck.
>With a fan’s heart, the star that I want to meet >Barbara Palvin. She’s so pretty, I think if I met her in person, my entire body would freeze up.
Red Velvet is Wonder Girls.
>group of 5 girls that went through roster changes,
>debuted first
>had two big meme hits (ICC/Dumb Dumb are RV's Tell Me and Nobody)
>their momentum stalled by stupid company decisions (The Velvet is their 'MERICA debut)
>group of 9 girls
>debuted 2nd
>shit on by everyone for being talentless
>had a decent debut then skyrocketed to success with a giant meme hit.
>has a generation-leading visual that brought in all the hype at the start
Black Pink is 2NE1
>4 girls
>tough hep hap concept.
Just as last generation was SNSD > 2NE1 > Wonder Girls, this generation will be TWICE > BP > RV. Screencap this.
OMG is better
>barbara palvin
look like the JUST haircut from the thumbnail
or hes a skid
that TWICETV sixteen typeface though. nice touch. too short. literally outtakes of twice tv2 ep 1. I wonder what else is there to show next week.
You dont fucking have 35k Twice pictures do you?
why is that thing white then?
jiho and arin... omo
Korea prefers hip hop now, which is why SMTM and Unpretty Rapstar is dominating the charts. Sorry but Twice is finished, finito, done. Make way for the queens Blackpink.
dont respond to filtered posts newfriend
Why should I care about YGs new group?
I know nothing of them, haven't seen them unlike Twice did with 16.
you're not really a ygshitter are you?
literally one guy forcing it and making it into a meme and making people hate them
Becasue they are like 4 upgraded tzuyus with talent
all of the V streams and guerrilla concerts plus the fact that they promoted for so long made the promotions amazing
Nah, it'st just when I try to save pics from OH they always appear as twice.jpg so I have to manually rename every file so I just mash the keypad a few times. Only have about 2.5k TWICE pics
Cheer Up has the best comparative streaming stats of the year so far (#1 for number of streams in first 8 weeks by a decent amount)
so many filtered posts right now
not falling for the shilling you niggers
we are just specks of dust occupying a burnt out cinder flying through a vacuum of infinite nothingness
kpg is literally one guy
>Cheer Up has the best comparative streaming stats of the year so far (#1 for number of streams in first 8 weeks by a decent amount)
For now, I predict blackpink to triple those stats
that sounds daebak! im sold
wtf whites and block doing kpop
the worst part about Cheer Up wasn't the fact that the group or song sucked, but rather becauase they taught people to mispronounce the word 'cheer'
>3. [+198, -15] Who planned this group? ㅋ How are all the members so average looking ㅋ You could make a group out of all the eliminated trainees of 'Produce 101' and come out with a prettier girl group than them
>twice performs on immortal song months later
>1. [+336, -139] I just saw their stage and they looked like some cheerleading squad, singing is definitely not their forte
What do netizens expect when they value 'pretty' faces over talent? Retards. I hope twice keeps going back to immortal song so netizens can choke on their retarded opinions.
i really hate it when that one guy always tries to bait despite no one replying
their vocals sound really weird. not sure if the singers or the mixing. it's really fucking weird and it hurts my ears
so cute
forgot your Mister Removed
the chorus? it's heavily autotuned, and they're bad at singing
it's already been noted that it sounds like they can't fully reach the notes
it sounds weird because it's heavily pitch corrected so no one in twice can ever sing the song in any setting, it's literally impossible
filter this
i agree. the mixing and mastering was not great and the production was small
i hate the digital booklet meme in kpop
usually, elsewhere it would have stuff like production credits and the tracklist
but for kpop, digital booklets are literally just 10 pics
>sistar that high
>t-ara that low
>kara that low
no, most of the time. that blonde girl tries somehow too hard or tries to sound cute and it's a massive fail. and i think it's that short haired one that sounds too different to the others. it's all over the place vocally
>the opinion of 2065 Germans matter
why are muslims' opinions on kpop so wrong?
>U-Know Yunho
goat stagenam if you ask me
oh. the japanese members aren't good at singing at all
i also noticed that mina and sana's verses have more reverb or something
you can't try to fix it with mixing when their vocal skills are all over the place
keep telling yourself this, if it helps you sleep at night.
i'll be trading momo for lisa
cheer up is the only song i've heard from them and it's enough lol. you can sound meh like your average group but when shit goes wrong the song goes off balance
Black Pink has the looks AND the talent. How can Twice even compete?
they were still majority krauts at that time
The Story Begins >>> Page Two
Like Ooh-Ahh is worse. it's badly mixed and mastered on top of that
krauts more like turks
>The first thing people do when a new yggg get a name and a few pictures is comparing them to Twice.
>shitstorm on OH, shitstorm on kpg.
This is how you know they made it, Twice IS the new Snsd.
they were the next snsd until bp slayed them
there's absolutely zero, nothing they've done yet.
all we have is just Jennie singing here and there for yg and that's not much.
where can i find this burger
hey cupid has shot my heart
Nobody is talking about how stupid the name of YG's new girl group is? Sounds like a black feminist movement group.
bring back this binnie
They have set the standard like snsd before them.
Every gg from now on will be compare to twice.
Wow, actually has good hair here.
I compare them to Twice because I am a Once but honestly Black Pink looks superior in every aspect so I will be officially dropping Twice as of today. Gotta stay with the trends my friend, Twice is old and busted now.
more like ____
Does Anita Sarkeesian like 2ne1 and soon Blackedpink?