ITT: Well, that sucked
Finally ! I couldn't even finish to listen to this album
Listen to Darklands and Automatic. They are both way better.
Only listen to this because everyone says that the opener and closer is the greatest of all time. Got nothing but disappointment.
coudln't pass the second track t b h
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
You were clearly misled.
Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness has the best beginning in end factually in all of music.
Everything In Its Right Place -> Motion Picture Soundtrack
First time I've disliked a DJ Shadow album. The Less You Know The Better was just as mixed a bag as this, but the tracks were all interesting, so it was fine. This was just terrible all around.
The Rainbow -> Wealth
Great shout
Farewell and Goodnight > Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness actually loops back up, but the piano notes are more major at the end track. Entire album has a solar cycle theme. Disc one is like day, disc two is night
and then
Intro -> Outro
Pleb, that said, saw them live last year, it was less noisy and more postpunk sounding, it was better.
They released Psychocandy - Barrowlands live on spotify which sounds the same as when i saw them live
true patrician
historical context tbqhfam
i loved psychocandy when i first heard it, and never heard any shoegaze/dream pop related stuff prior. i heard it before i even heard loveless
>it's good because it was my first album in the genre
>listening to something for the first time and already knowing what makes it good and bad
Worst two tracks on Mellon Collie tbhfam
Whom are you quoting?
personally, the perfect prescription.
Sound of Confusion is legit goat tho
Please leave
Why don't you delete it never speak of it again.
Just because there's a concept there it doesn't make it the best intro and outro
Also implying it's better than:
is ridiculous
I don't mind experimental stuff at all but this just sounds like an inside joke that I'm not a part of or just legitimately bad music.