ITT: Forgotten Sup Forumscore
>tfw most of neo Sup Forums hasn't even listened to this masterpiece
ITT: Forgotten Sup Forumscore
>tfw most of neo Sup Forums hasn't even listened to this masterpiece
everyone has listened to this album, stop deluding yourself
Listened it for the first time yesterday. It's great. But as a European, are there country flavours in this album? I don't know how to explain it but it has definitely folk stuff in it.
Still great and soothing.
Stuff to listen with your gf
I dont know if Ethan was ever really Sup Forumscore, do you know if he's still doin' anything musically?
I fell off the face of the earth I think around the time he'd just started the Whoopass Girls, so I'm not totally sure. I miss that dude.
I resurrected this pearl from Page 10 ;)
I listened to it just yesterday, and Holland, 1945 hit me so fucking hard it almost made me cry.
It's a great album but I don't think I can listen to it much because I am currently trying to avoid music that gets me too emotional. I'm one sad chord progression away from a good cry, and I try not to let myself go there.
Crying is good for you. Embrace it.
I haven't seen this posted in a long time.
Just got on Sup Forums 2 weeks ago but I'd already heard this album.
It is one of my favorites.
What else did you discover on Sup Forums that you like?
listen to on avery island, its more sad than this meme
What the fuck are you talking about? there are still daily threads about this album.
>is actually a 5/10
OP, you fucked up.
holy shit i forgot about this masterpiece
I feel like you're being sarcastic but that's ok.
Things that unlike that I discovered on Sup Forums:
We Lost The Sea - Departure Songs
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Deftones - Gore (haven't listened to anything else yet but I really liked this)
Country =/= american folk music
And yes the entire thing is folk stuff
>country flavours
>definitely folk stuff in it
I like*
Not unlike
that's because it's awful
I like old Sup Forums but nothing about this album is captivating
I've been here nearly a year and I've never heard it
I heard it before i even went on this site.
Basically, all you need to know about this album can be summed up in two words. Anne Frank.
Yeah that's what I was saying. It's not like a hugely popular album but it's pretty well known. Kong of Carrot Flowers pt 1 gets put on those shitty Spotify indie rock playlists. All my friends listened to it years ago.
I actually have, and the title has something to do with aeroplanes or some shit. I stopped listening to it because spoiler alert, it blows.
I really don't see the appeal of this album. Yeah, it's nice, but how can this possibly be hailed as the greatest album of all time?
hello neo Sup Forums
If you liked Gore listen to the rest of Deftones' discography because Gore is one of their worst desu
what did he mean by this
aaah, thanks for clarifying, people should really be more clear :)
the only good song crystal castles has ever made was crimewave and that was only a remix
Doesn't deserve the praise it gets.
Listened to this few times,and it was just boring. I fail to understand the appeal of this album.
Most of other Sup Forumscore stuff that I tried was also disappointing:
Deafheaven - boring loud shit
MBV Loveless - kinda boring but works well as background music
AnCo MPP - first part is nice, second not so much
Swans: The Seer - lenghty and boring
Children of god: not sure why but I didn't like it
(...) is a good idea - this was surprisingly good
King Crimson ITCOTKC - amazing album but I knew this before I knew what Sup Forums is
Floral Shoppe - quite good
Kid A - not too bad
I've been occassionally lurking here since 2011 or so.
the whole internet disagrees with you fucktard, you couldn't be any more wrong.
Anyone else think the Galaxie500 song
"When Will you Come Home"
sounds a lot like Neutral Milk Hotels
"A Baby for Pree"?
>why aren't we discussing the same five albums over and over
>how dare music change
You guys are pathetic
I heard the first song and couldn't stand to hear anymore. It's shit.
why do mu make a thread for this shitty indie album every fucking day? No wonder this board is overrun by kpoplosers. The rest of you only listen to this
shit album shit music
>Floral Shoppe - quite good
lol suicide
>implying anyone actually listens to Sup Forumscore
>ITAOTS 5/10
What's your favourite Kanye West album?
I never really liked this album, honestly
as opposed to all those shit albums with really good music eh?
>tfw Sup Forums moved on from you ;_;
not an argument
neither is "shit album shit music"
Alice Glass pours vodka in her own fans' eyes. Little turd.
Also her music sucks.
I was the shitposter that started that meme that eventually made every thread about this album being shit. Feels good it was a shit album.
This board really did go to shit though, its completely unrecognizable to me now
Never. I'll never forget this album.
Sup Forums was so harsh when they turned on this album i was so sad, it didn't deserve that
>When Will you Come Home
well, I think they share C and F chords, Maybe Galaxie 500 is C and Fm not sure but the "chord progession" is actually similar. Although I don't think they sound -a lot- like.
Literally just listened to Holland, 1945 and came here to see if someone's posting about the album. I remember when the catalog was full of threads about it. It's alright though, now we can all quietly enjoy it.
this album bored me to death but it doesn't deserve that much hate
how does it feel to be so embarrassingly new?
not even shit posters can deny this thing is filled to the brim with delicate and touching hospital bangers
it's a whiny nu male classic that deserves to be forgotten
>le brasshorns & i luv you jesus chrisst!!
good one, havent seen this posted in a hot sec.