what happened to this guy, Sup Forums?
What happened to this guy, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
he died
he fucking died
of what
Sudden Death Syndrome
last seen yesterday listening to two different paul simon tracks
He is on college now, he will return, don't worry
Aaron, i-is it y-you?
No, its Emille, are you that...Addison they told me about?
we need new memes
come back and save us from this montie hell
Thank G*d him and that spastic who spams pictures of cats are gone. I can tolerate the monties and brandons of the world, but these two took the autism to another level.
he droped sick new vid yesterday
who remember
good times
is that biotroll?
shut up, bitch
if you hated the memes so much you'd have left by now
newfags coming in here, talking 'bout my memes
Aaron is so dreamy
he's my husbando 2bh
He spams his face for 2 weeks
Newfags think he was some kind of mu legend
He makes some music and starts selling it
Newfags actually give him money
He goes away with the money
End of story
meme king
>All those Leonard Cohen scrobbles
He broke up with someone didn't he?
>He spams his face for 2 weeks
>Newfags think he was some kind of mu legend
>He makes some music and starts selling it
>Newfags actually give him money
>He goes away with the money
>End of story
Also takes credit for memes made by anonymous posters.
he's much more good looking than me. and i'm sure than 70% of you too.
aaron has the same modest mouse shirt as me
i am honored
not me. im spuds deep in bitch meat on the daily, m80
>191K scrobbles
>1 loved track
madman spotted
post the uncesored cover
i wanna see the benis
what is that photoshopped onto his abdomen
the hornace of death
viper reference
He dropped out of music school and does construction now. Like patching roads, that kind of stuff.
damn. . .
anyone have the original of this photo
No he completed uni
i've seen the degree with me own eyes
He posts every so often. He probably posted itt
Not quite 1000s times a day level like last year but I still see him at least twice a week on here.
but since it was music school, he's still stuck patching roads?
Why is this thread still up?
Are the janitors that new here that they think this shit was okay by the moderators?