Kpop general

sejeong edition

Other urls found in this thread:

crayon pop

i'll be posting here

sorry luna

more like SEXjeong...

her name is sexjeong....

i'll be posting here then


delete these

is that the akmu girl?

does anyone have that webm where sexjeong is sucking her finger while acting all sexy?

i love you


earlyshitter BTFO

omo wet and slick TWICE

Nobody actually thinks pinky is attractive right?

early shitter btfo



I can get behind wet twice

no shes one of the cutestest girls in all of korea


to the loser who created an early thread

m8 but of course


I appreciate your literal file names user

my mom will beat me because i broke my headset again

break her nose

pinky is great

cao lu
vic omma

those are the top 3 chinafus imo

>jellyfish releasing such a weak concept for our Sejeong

I just want to hug her... and have console her with sex.


helps me find what I'm looking for sometimes

yoojung is adorable

you're crazy

What I like about JB is that he doesn't seem like he needs the spotlight too much like Jackson. Also, I think Bam Bam would probably hug the girls even if they didn't seem like they were going to. lol
Not sure if I trust his rap. Might be as good as Ten's. Junior can speak Thai and Japanese, no? That's something.
And well, I'm free when it's airing but I have things to do the morning after so there's that. ASC should change it's name to JYP Club. They just need to replace Kevin with a Twice girl.
Her album is okay to good but the promoting thing is really off putting.



elkie > tzuyu

does anyone else agree?


Jisoo tho...

>I'm watching their Weekly Idol now. JunHyung and Hyungseung do have very different styles...
if you haven't watched it, the double episode in 2013 for shadow/hard to love was the funniest and comfiest weekly idol that i've seen

i miss those days a lot when everyone were friends

i love her big round cheeks

>want to reply to a post
>about to click post number
>thread updates in that exact moment and auto scrolls down
>click on wrong post number

install some software m8

i updated my soyul and ellin photo after my small break i tried really hard to make her cute, wanna see brother?


which ones


>enabling auto scroll

What's everyone drinking tonight?

not with that out of focus pic

take it back



she looks better than tzuyu in any focus




i'm appreciatin u for this rn bc most ppl don't remember that thread



easiest decision of my life




boxed wine


based tzuyu


guarana antarctica

I dropped Taeyeon after like 2 weeks because I realized she was a self-absorbed autist



OP from the early thread...

she's so beautiful lads

green tea


you started listening to kpop this year?

dunno if ppl are memeing or not

but I'm legit drinking water and only water

Kombucha in the morning

i'm suing you

>tfw you're reaching the age where noonas never debut anymore

anyone else know that feel?


im getting there, so glad im made her cute

dunno why you assumed that lol?

not memeing, we're healthy neets here

i'm not
i don't like alcohol at all

what a dumb bitch

how do i stop being a kpop listening, show watching, video game playing manchild

Keep it up chingu

because that meme is at the most a year old

i have a job thank you very much

yes and it feels terrible, i love noonas the most

i think i'll stop following kpop as a fan when my noonas finally quit

What I hate about Jackson is that he keeps touching JB then looking into the camera, and my soul, and being smug about it. Hands off.. I know Got7 is close but stay away from JB.
Ten is better rapper than Chanyeol till 3 years in and he just debuted. Amazing Ten/10. Win win can't sing. Kun can... My god if its Kun in 127 I'll lose it.
Every time I've heard Junior speak Japanese, he gets tounge twisted and messes up. I don't think he can speak Thai. All the members minus forign line got a handle on Japanese. Never listening to their Japanese singles. People need to stop giving Twice hate for their Korean since it is their second language, and with Got7 third or fourth.
No Twice member speaks English though.
I liked short promotions like Taeyeon and BTS. They got places to be. This is a very important time in both of their careers. I would jet off to concerts too.

I'll watch that after. Lmao they called themselves the founding group of Weekly Idol when that's Infinite. Man, Doojoonie is too cute.



autism isn't a meme, user. it's been obvious since the Gee days

being a huge faggot is not a job

I needa one dance

so based